Checking In: Beautiful Me in 2006 Challenge


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies:

I just wanted to check in with you and see how your experience with Beautiful Me 2006 is going. It's been a month since we started the challenge, and I wanted to make sure everyone was doing okay. Please keep us in the loop. Also, anyone else that wants to join, feel free. There really aren't any specific rules. Please see the link for an explanation ( Basically, we are trying to make sure that other areas of our lives match the growth that we are experiencing with our hair. Like our hair growth, there will be ups and downs, but we know it is attainable. Here's my update:

(1) Really seeing myself the way God sees me
I'm beginning to see how wonderful He is, and how much He loves me. It's a very slow process. Interestingly, my hair growth this month, seems to also have been slow...

(2) Becoming less critical of myself
Still working on this one. I feel the spirit showing me when I am doing this, and I have really made an effort to stop. I'm getting better, but still work on it.

(3) Accepting compliments, not just to be nice, but to really see myself as worthy of them.
Again, it's coming along, but I still work on this each day!

(4) Really developing a good workout plan (I workout now, but sometimes allow schedule to stop me)
I've been incorporating more exercise into everyday activities (i.e. walking instead of taking elevators in addition to working out)

(5) Continuing to know that just like my hair grows everyday, so do I as a person. Not allowing mistakes to make me think I'm awful.
Progress is coming in this area and I'll continue to keep you all updated.

(6) Becoming a more open person
This has definitely been the hardest thing for me, but God has brought new people into my life, which has forced me to be more open. I really feel that these are truly good people, and I think long-lasting friendships can come from these new relationships. I just work on trusting them, and knowing that they are good people and letting them see the good in me too!

Let us know how you are all doing.
