Check out this BS advice that SBH mag gives


New Member
Okay today I bought the recent SBH isssue with Janet on the Cover. Now keep in mind that I do not follow any of the advice given in this magazine, Im just a magazine whore that likes to flip through the pages
But anyway I fliiped through the pages and came across the Advice column for hair and skin care check out this b*llsh*t advice that they gave the reader

Question: My hair is very slow growing. I've done everything but I cant get the length I like. To help my hair grow, I've had repeated trims, styles braids, and even tried staightening it so it would look longer. What can I do to get my hair to grow faster?

Answer: Hair can grow if you monitor it and let it. frequent trims are required to keep ends looking healthy if you use a lot of heat. Rather than stretching the hair to the breaking point, settle for a cut that gives the illusion of length through longer layers at the lower neck. Be patient and let Nature take its course with your length. If you are dying for the look right away, have fun with extensions and enjoy the flexibility of temporary change.

Um okay the women said that she wanted longer hair why would you recommend a hair cut and frequent trims?

And in another question the columnist recommended styling lotion as a moisturizer
They do this all the time in SBH. I used to buy this magazine all the time and every time there was a question like this, the columnist would recommend frequent trims and a hair cut? I always thought that was kind of strange.
Janet's on the cover? Cool. I'll have to pick that up. I don't follow the advice the so called hair experts in those hair magazines give, because they don't know what they're talking about half the time.
Well, it said trim frequently if you use a lot of heat.

I agree with it, I mean if a person is frying their hair all the time, they shouldn't walk around with messed up, split ends.

Better advice would be to just use minimal amounts of heat to decrease breakage and damage so that she could get to her goal faster.

But I don't think that the advice was 100% BS
Purtygurly said:
Well, it said trim frequently if you use a lot of heat.

I agree with it, I mean if a person is frying their hair all the time, they shouldn't walk around with messed up, split ends.

Better advice would be to just use minimal amounts of heat to decrease breakage and damage so that she could get to her goal faster.

But I don't think that the advice was 100% BS

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well see you got str8 to the point..they didnt.
Did anyone see the celebrity look-a-like page? There's this picture of a girl who says she resembles Beyonce, but she doesn't look anything like her!

As for the hair advice, I've noticed that those questions are recycled, meaning I saw them in older issues of SBH. Peggy doesn't offer the best advice for hair, in fact, I don't even think she's an expert on hair. All I know is that she used to be a model.
The advice wasn't 100% BS...actually, if the person does use alot of heat, the advice was helpful. Besides, long hair with raggedy ends wouldn't be cute.

She could have been more helpful though...oh well..
I agree with the columnist although I don't think she was specific. Some people may think frequent trims mean every two weeks or something.

That wouldn't be good.
They should've told her to get a good diet, lots of rest, exercise, drink water, lay off the heat, protect her hair with satin.
She already said she's tried getting frequent trims. But noooooo. They had to tell her to cut her hair and get a weave!
UmSumayyah said:
They should've told her to get a good diet, lots of rest, exercise, drink water, lay off the heat, protect her hair with satin.
She already said she's tried getting frequent trims. But noooooo. They had to tell her to cut her hair and get a weave!

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It's unfortunate that in a lot of Black hair magazines they don't give any advice about the all over health of hair. The advice seems to always be give up all hope and weave it up...
It makes u want to write or call them and give them the addy to this site.
Those magazines are an expensive way (at around $4.99 and up) to get jacked up damaged hair. They hardly ever had a any good advice and all the styles seem to require: Excessive heat, a cut or a weave! What's the point. I like to look at styles but they really do stink at promoting healty hair.
Falon said:
Those magazines are an expensive way (at around $4.99 and up) to get jacked up damaged hair. They hardly ever had a any good advice and all the styles seem to require: Excessive heat, a cut or a weave! What's the point. I like to look at styles but they really do stink at promoting healty hair.

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Gurl, folks still buy those?! I just read what I want to see in the store and put it back on the shelf...

..yeah, I know I'm wrong for that...
SBH gives "advice" to keep hair stylists, wig companies and weave specialists in business. They don't give a crap about their readers having their own long, healthy hair.
ricamorena03 said:
They do this all the time in SBH. I used to buy this magazine all the time and every time there was a question like this, the columnist would recommend frequent trims and a hair cut? I always thought that was kind of strange.

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SHS (scissor stylist) + pencil = SHC (scissor happy columnist), which Really = BAD ADVICE!
Actually, everyone could use a 1/8 inch trim every 6 weeks. If you say your hair never grows, it's probably due to a lack of moisture, which causes split ends.
ayeshia said:
Okay today I bought the recent SBH isssue with Janet on the Cover. Now keep in mind that I do not follow any of the advice given in this magazine, Im just a magazine whore that likes to flip through the pages
But anyway I fliiped through the pages and came across the Advice column for hair and skin care check out this b*llsh*t advice that they gave the reader

Question: My hair is very slow growing. I've done everything but I cant get the length I like. To help my hair grow, I've had repeated trims, styles braids, and even tried staightening it so it would look longer. What can I do to get my hair to grow faster?

Answer: Hair can grow if you monitor it and let it. frequent trims are required to keep ends looking healthy if you use a lot of heat. Rather than stretching the hair to the breaking point, settle for a cut that gives the illusion of length through longer layers at the lower neck. Be patient and let Nature take its course with your length. If you are dying for the look right away, have fun with extensions and enjoy the flexibility of temporary change.

Um okay the women said that she wanted longer hair why would you recommend a hair cut and frequent trims?

And in another question the columnist recommended styling lotion as a moisturizer

The weave companies make so much money off these magazines and they pay this womans salaries so she would have told her to drink milk all day if farmers bought the majority of ads. this is annoying me because I'm sitting here with all this new growth and trying to find a way to get a new stylist who won't manhandle my hair while washing it (oh well i guess I'll have to bite the bullet and go in there and have her relax my new growth wash it gently and condition me and i'll go home and do my own rollerset. I don't think this salon has ever done a rollerset those blowdryers goin' 24/7)
but anyway I'm going to have to use some of the money from my fabulous clothing design company (when i start it) and make a serious hair CARE magazine. I also want to open some real hair salons where they actually promote growth rather than just styling.
blue_flower said:
Did anyone see the celebrity look-a-like page? There's this picture of a girl who says she resembles Beyonce, but she doesn't look anything like her!

As for the hair advice, I've noticed that those questions are recycled, meaning I saw them in older issues of SBH. Peggy doesn't offer the best advice for hair, in fact, I don't even think she's an expert on hair. All I know is that she used to be a model.

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I dont know why that magazine helped that girl embarrass herself like that
. She doesnt look remotely close to B at all. They must have printed that as a joke
patience said:
Falon said:
Those magazines are an expensive way (at around $4.99 and up) to get jacked up damaged hair. They hardly ever had a any good advice and all the styles seem to require: Excessive heat, a cut or a weave! What's the point. I like to look at styles but they really do stink at promoting healty hair.

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Gurl, folks still buy those?! I just read what I want to see in the store and put it back on the shelf...

..yeah, I know I'm wrong for that...

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If your wrong then so am I! There isn't a magazine around worth $4.99 especially when you can sit in B&N or Borders on your lunch break and read them suckas for Free!