Aww, thanks so much ladies for all of the wonderful complements and the encouragement. :grin:

On a side note I think I have decided for now not to send that stylist any info or the pics of my hair. I'm just gonna keep doin my thing and leave it at that. And in the meantime (hopefully sometime in the near future) I'll learn how to press it myself.

Thanks again!:) :D ;) :grin:
Your hair is lovely! I wish my old presses looked like that :grin:. Your hair looks so shiny, yet light and flowy (:look: now I'm making words up).

I'm a slow grower too...congrats on retaining your length and gaining thickness.
zzirvingj said:
I am approaching brastrap finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My last press was in Jan of this year and I just got it pressed again 2 days ago. Some of you read my post yesterday about that experience LOL

But the good news is that I can see growth, and I am a "slow grower". Instead of an inch every 2 months I only get about .75 of an inch :/

But I have been practicing patience and low manipulation in my regime. I wear a bun almost daily and am very fragile with my hair when I do my weekly detangling process. I want to say that I have truly been inspired by all the beautiful women here and their gorgeous hair.

I stalk people's albums like Sylver2, Bubblnbrown, Micarae and Isis because their pics give me inspiration when I am feeling like I'm not getting anywhere. Before joining LHCF I never thought about "growing my hair to waistlength". Now it is a real goal for me to get there.

I am posting a comparison pic in my siggy...I hope you can see my hair against that green shirt LOL. My site is also in my siggy (no pw needed)!!!
Looks like you're already there
Your hair is looking good girl and I believe waistlength is an option for you (if that's what you want). And...¾" (bi-monthly) is not "slow growing" to me. It looks like you've been able to retain the length and that's all that matters...
Wow, you're hair is gorgeous. For you to be a "slow grower" like you say, your hair has done a lot in 10 months time. It even looks thicker...Congrats!
Wow Wow Wow keep the encouragement going. Wonderful hair and growth loving the thickness.