Check out my rollersetting pics!

Pics #9,10, 11 are simply beautiful. Thank you for showing the products (down to the clips) that you used. When did you put the biosilk on?
Your hair is so frickin' pretty!!!!! I really have to stop looking at your pics or I might stop my transition. LOL
wow your hair turned out so pretty!! omg i have to try a rollerset again next weekend. They seem to be all the rage on LHCF nowadays :lol: and i'm anxious to know if my hair will come out like that too, haha.
You know, i always used to comb my rollersets out whenever i got them in the past. I think it's so much cute to wear it curled like that, it lasts longer... oh boy, i can't wait! :D
Thanks guys!!! So sweet :D I was wondering if anyone had tips on how to make it shinier? I feel like I always have dull hair when I rollerset. Suggestions?
I commented in your fotki..It looks magnificent! Is this your first rollerset?? If so, it is brilliant!
macherieamour said:
Hey guys,

Check out my rollerset! Sloppy but got the job done :grin:
Password in profile

Now, THAT'S a bee-u-tiful rollerset! Tell me, have you always been able to retain length or did you really start seeing results after LHCF? If so, what was your starting length before LHCF and how long did it take to get to current length? :)
HI! Thanks so much for your support! Rollersetting is hard so its great to have you wonderful comments for motivation :D

I have been using lye relaxers since I was a kid. My hair is super coarse, thick, unruly and require a lot of heat to straigthen it. I used to blow dry and curl my hair (from 11-18) after washing and use the curling iron frequently throughout the week. Doing this, my hair only reached my shoulder blades.

It all changed when I started getting my hair roller set by a stylist named Todd (he used to work at the famous Olive's salon in Boston). He used quality products like Keracare and Mizani and used mesh rollers to set my hair. Then he would VERY gently blow out the roots with a Domincan blow dryer on the lowest setting to loosen and smooth the set ( mesh rollers can leave ridges from the mesh fabric) Then he would wrap me up and send me on my way. My ends were never touched. My hair went from shoulder blade length to mid back in the span of about 1 or 2 years. It seemed to get thicker and I had virtually no breakage. I wrapped my hair every night and, because I wrapped it right after having it set, the curl would last for the whole week.

After college, I went to DOminican salons to have it set in magnectic rollers. I dont think I chose a good salon because the hot blow dryers broke off my hair all around the crown and dried it out something awful. Also, for me, the magnectic rollers look nice when just set but after a few days, its looks dull and raggedy. I think the key is to have the mesh rollers because they can pull the hair tighter and thus make my hair look longer and healthier throughout the week. I remember Todd had me looking like I just walked outta a Victorias secret commercial! The rollers gave me body, bounce and giant sexy waves. Also, the funny thing is, we never did protein treatment. Just moisture, moisture, moisture and my hair was hydrated and never broke.

For a brief while, I did blow dry and flat iron to get that super straight and shiny look. Flat ironing did keep my hair really shiny and long but i think the hot iron affected the cuticle of my hair because I noticed a difference in the texture of my hair after my flat-ironing stint. It felt dry and rough.

So, since joining LHCF, I have adopted a new regime modeled after Todd's old advice ( why did I ever stray!):

NO flat-irons, blow dryers and curling irons.

Rollersetting with magnectic rollers (until my mesh rollers come) and wrapping for straight look or leaving ends out for sexy wave look

Using exclusive line (Keracare)-like a multi-vitamin may take some time to really see results. My hair keeps getting better everytime I use the Keracare line exclusively. The products seem to compliment each other

Taking multi-vitamin and hair vitamin

Exercise and drink lots of water

Eating healthy- only organic foods which dont have as many preservatives

Washing 5 days instead of 7 days-less shedding

Stretching relaxers- 2-3 months instead of 6 weeks

No proteign treatment- worked well at first but then dried out my hair and broke it off

*******Using a creme rinse after deep conditioning- detangled and gave me great shine ALL week (trying to find the one he used. It was amazing)******

Trimming 2-3 times a year- if that!

Its only been one perm cycle since implementing these changes but my hair has def grown and Im getting back the moisture and softness I once had. Until I find that creme rinse, Im still tryin to get my shine - had lots of suggestions and encouragement from the wonderful ladies at LHCF! Thanks guys!!!!
Maybe you should try Sebastians Colorshines for shine. It is a rinse that you can use monthly to give your hair gloss and shine.
I can't get in. Is the password case sensitive?

yes it is. gorgeous hair.
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