Check out my edges


New Member
Here is my progress

the top is the left side and the bottom the right side, I've been massaging with peppermint and tea tree EO along with a clean out the closet mix MT BT Sulfur oil...I saw the most progress when I added the sulfur oil...:grin: See ya in a month!

Hey guys! I got the sulfur from Amazon sublimed sulfur is what I got...I used jojoba oil with emu and coconut oil to make my sulfur oil with a table spoon of sulfur in a 8 oz bottle...I put the bottle in the dark and shook it every chance I got, I let is sulfur up for like three weeks before I used it... I also stayed far far far faaaaaaaaar away from any type of hair gel and kept my edges covered, never sleeping w/o a head tie...I also moisturized them big time with sta sof fro spray...Thanx for the love ladies!
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U used a tablespoon or teaspoon? Isnt a tablespoon to much for 8oz of oil? But great progress...i need that kind of growth for my edges
Quick question: What is the purpose of letting it sit 3 weeks before using it? I have my sulfur oil and I want to make sure I do this right...