Check out Carlie's hair


Well-Known Member
Check out Carlie\'s hair

Oh my goodness! check out Carlie's hair it's beautiful so healthy, her hair is growing like a weed! you are my new inspiration, thanks!
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

oh yeah Carlie is definitely an inspiration to me! Ive been following(aka stalking) her album/journal for a minute! lol...
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Jancan7, no you didn't call me out like that!

Thanks y'all for the compliments.

...this growing hair thing is definitely a journey!...

I was having a really depressing day today, until I logged in and y'all made me smile.

Thanks for the encouragement.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Carlie, your hair looks great. I love the thickness and color. Your ends looks very even and healthy.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Carlie hair is beautiful I was checking out her hair journal
too for tips.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Awww, y'all are sweethearts!
I really appreciate all of your comments.


Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

kitchen_tician said:
Carlie, your hair looks great. I love the thickness and color. Your ends looks very even and healthy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm trying to keep my ends as healthy as I can for as long as I can 'cause I really am not looking to trim any time soon. My hair was cut in February of this year and right now my scissors are on a per split basis. Every week, I search my hair for splits, and if I find one, then I'll trim that particular strand. I rarely find splits, but when I do, it's usually 1 or 2. So far, so good.

Thanks again kitchen_tician (1 of my fav. albums).
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Carlie your hair is beautiful and your journal entries are very informative. Keep up the good hair care.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Most beautiful! I also love the in depth journal. Thanks for sharing with us.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Your hair is amazingly healthy. I love the journal. I read the whole thing! It was so helpful.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Jancan7, it was very sweet of you to start this thread...especially with the all the hundreds of beautiful heads of hair there are on this board, it's shocking that anyone would point me out. To me, everyone on this board is an inspiration because of the drive and determination demonstrated to grow long hair. Keep up the good work ladies!

Special shoutouts to Shatani, miss brown, Leslie C, hairlove (gorgeous hair), kitchen_tician, LABETT, lovelymissyoli, webby, and LorraineG (you read the whole thing?
)!!! Thank you all for responding so thoughtfully.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

I checked out your pics...congrats on your healthy hair! It grew so much from February til July! Keep it up! MORE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Carlie said:
Jancan7, it was very sweet of you to start this thread...especially with the all the hundreds of beautiful heads of hair there are on this board, it's shocking that anyone would point me out. To me, everyone on this board is an inspiration because of the drive and determination demonstrated to grow long hair. Keep up the good work ladies!

Special shoutouts to Shatani, miss brown, Leslie C, hairlove (gorgeous hair), kitchen_tician, LABETT, lovelymissyoli, webby, and LorraineG (you read the whole thing?
)!!! Thank you all for responding so thoughtfully.

[/ QUOTE ]
Carlie: All the women on this board has truly inspired me one way or another, but I saw your journal and was stunned
because we started the board at the same time, my hair does not look like yours. Your hair is beautiful, growing and so healthy and thick!

I was ready to give up on my hair until I saw yours, so keep up the good work and thanks! Jancan7
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Thanks nfynit_812!
Thanks Caligirl!

Jancan, I'm glad you found what you needed to stay on your journey through my hair journey. You can achieve whatever you put your mind to.

...and thanks to all who left comments on my site. Just when I was almost about to get lazy with my hair...y'all made a sister feel special.

Now that I know people are reading my journal, I guess I can't slack up now!
Anyway, for those of you who do follow my journal, I've added a few pics of my hair after I washed it today. The pics came out terrible...but since I'm wearing a white t-shirt, you can still see what's going on.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Carlie, your hair is as lovely as everyone is saying! Your pics showing your progress are great.

I used to like your funny avatar with the girl walking, but seeing your healthy, growing hair will inspire lots of people, I'm sure

Here's to you
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Nay said:
Carlie, your hair is as lovely as everyone is saying! Your pics showing your progress are great.

I used to like your funny avatar with the girl walking, but seeing your healthy, growing hair will inspire lots of people, I'm sure

Here's to you

[/ QUOTE ]

oh my gosh...a compliment from Nay!
Thanks girl! I really like my old avatar a lot too...I think I might put it back soon, I don't know.

Speaking of definitely are a big one!
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Thanks CharUK!!! Thanks Hiza!!!

Wow, I'm surrounded by beautiful hair!!!

You ALL really are inspirations.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Carlie, your hair looks beautiful and healthy!
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

carlie, I can see the pics in your album but not in your journal. any idea on how to get them to appear?

I was interested in your new protective style u mentioned a while back, but cant see it. I can see a couple but most just are white with a red x in the corner. I right click and click show picture but still nothing.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Hmmm...try refreshing the page a couple of times. If that doesn't work, I think I'll have to upload load them to the server and then post them. I wonder if others are having the same prob. PM me if that doesn't work. I'll probably just upload them tonight. Good lookin' out Leslie, thanks for pointing this out to me.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

Ok Leslie,

All of the pics in the journal should now be viewable. However, if you have dial-up, it may take a while to load because there are so many pics on the page. If after the page loads and you see a white box with a red x, just do what you did before "right click and click show picture," and it should load right away. If you still have probs, feel free to PM me. Thanks again for pointing out this prob.
Re: Check out Carlie\'s hair

<font color="purple">Your hair looks lovely! It's so healthy and shiny! What did you put in your hair to make it look like that for the camera? You are an inspiration to us all. Maybe you should be the next Feature Of The Month. God Bless. </font>