Check me out on this Website!!!


New Member
Hey yall!

I've been a member of LHCF for 3 years and you ladies are some of the best ladies I know, and have been a great support to me, (Bubblin Brown, Super Girl, just to name a few). Knowing how special you ladies are and how we are able to spread the word better than most folks, I am asking for your assistance. I am trying to get my acting career together and so I'm starting to get my network as well as my hustle on...the picture was done by Chadwick Rand at

Help support your sister by spreading the word :)

The link for the picture is here...

You can also check me out at to see more pictures.

You look grown in that pic! (and so cute!) Congratulations on being the cover model for that site. That looks like a pretty interesting site too. :yep:

VERY well done! You are a very beautiful black woman. Your site is AWESOME! Hopefully you will get some of the roles that have been denied our beautiful black sisters.

I hope your career BLOWS UP!!!

Best of luck,
