Check me out! I've got updates! :D


New Member
Hey everyone! I put a couple of new pics in my "December 2007 End of the Year Updates" folder (no password needed). So check me out!

I got my hair pressed at Too Groovy Salon in Atlanta the week before Christmas. Today is Jan 6th and it is STILL as straight as the first day I got it pressed :grin: A little background info: I'm natural (December was my five year "nappiversary") and my last trim was June of 2007. I usually wear my hair in a bun but I like to get it pressed a couple of times a year.


:yay: :band2: Wow Z, that is some very awesome and inspiring progress! I lookd at your overall comparison shots and boy!! :up:
:yahoo: Thanks for making it easier for me to stalk your hair zzirvingj. You know how much I lurv it :love: Its gotten so long
CONGRATULATIONS on achieving alot of hair growth:thumbsup: ! Your hair looks very healthy by the way. So did you really bun almost everyday except for when you got it pressed out a few times a year? Just curious because I'm trying to get to BSL in 08'.
How beautiful!!! All that progress since January.

I just pray I can do my daughter's hair justice like yours. Thanks for being an inspiration....
No question why you made FOTM.

:notworthy Congratulations! You made it to WSL as far as I can see. Your hair is thick right down to the tips and sooooo shiny... Good work :yep: good work :grin: good work :up: !
Wow your update is so pretty. It's always exciting to see people achieve their hair goals. You have great hair.:yep: