Check In: 4a/b BSL or longer naturals!


New Member
I am 10 weeks into a 12 week stretch. Everything is going great and I'm not really stretching for any other reason than the fact that I need to evenly space out my touch-ups so that on my birthday I can have a fresh relaxer:lachen:

Usually when I streatch for this long I don't really notice any texture to my new growth but this time I do and I must say that it's not so bad. I've had long(ish) hair all my life (no shorter than APL). I would really love to go natural and enjoy my texture at least for a short time and have the option to return to relaxers, but I'm scared of not having any length :perplexed either from doing a BC or due to my hair just not growing the same way that it does right now.

So I wanted to have a roll call of all the natural 4a/b BSL or longer ladies.
Also, it would help if you could identitify whether you have always been natural or if you transitioned and how long it took you to get to BSL.

bumping for seeminglysweet

I know u r out there ladies
Im 4a/b natural at armpit stretched and my goal is to get to BSL this year!
As you can see in my fotki I am fast approaching the BSL. I am a 4b with 4a up front and sides. As of a week ago it was at the top of my bra and my goal was to reach BSL by Dec 2007.

Your hair should continue to grow at the same way it has in the past. You have a good guage as to how your hair will grow because of how long you go before you process your hair again.

It will do the same natural. I am not sure what you do to protect your ends now to keep your length but is should not be that drastic if you choose to go natural. Your main objective will be to determine when to trim your relaxed hair.

I had airly long hair most of my adult life until the relaxers, stress and my miseducation got in the way.

I did a transition, not a BC. I am very creative with my hair so I used every method available. Press/curl, half weave, whole weave, half wig, whole wigs, braids, twists. I did this for a good 3-4 years, this in my opinion is a long time because I did not have LHCF when I did my transition. I found this site and nappturality after I was natural and needed to understand how to maintain length.

You should do just fine, you have a lot of people who have gone before you. Also you are practicing good healthy hair maintenance so you are waaaaay ahead of the game. Nothing to fear whenever you are ready go for it. On the other hand if you just can't bring yourself to do it, then that is okay too.

I started really paying practicing healthy hair care maintenance Dec 05. I have been natural since the mid 90's but could not obtain length until I found all of you guys. As you can see from the pictures below it is working. You can do this, easily.
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the way that i trasnitioned was the same way to hers. I was 4b( i dont know how i changed) but i did weaves, micro braids and then once i was at SL i cut off the perm....
seeminglysweet said:
I would really love to go natural and enjoy my texture at least for a short time and have the option to return to relaxers, but I'm scared of not having any length :perplexed either from doing a BC or due to my hair just not growing the same way that it does right now.

So I wanted to have a roll call of all the natural 4a/b BSL or longer ladies.
Also, it would help if you could identitify whether you have always been natural or if you transitioned and how long it took you to get to BSL.


Like mscocoface said, if you've had no problem growing your hair out while relaxed, you should be able to grow out your natural hair with no problems :) (as long as you make the necessary adjustments to working with natural hair). I transitioned for about 8 months with braided extensions then cut everything off. It has taken over 6 years for my hair to get to this point ( My hair grows slower than average and I don't really do anything extra for it besides regular maintenance so if your hair grows rather quickly, it will take you less time.
seeminglysweet said:
Thanks so much Ladies!!!

ETA: MScocoface your hair is beautiful!

Why thank you very much for the compliment. I owe it to women like you who have shown me how to maintain length by sharing your journey.
hi, i'm type 4 with hair past midback. Feel free to peep my album if u like. I didn't BC and i did a long transition which isn't easy but can be accomplished with the right products, styles and techniques. As far as lenght, my hair was pretty long relaxed so reaching the same lenghts as a natural shouldnt be an issue for you.
You guys have some beautiful heads of hair!:shocked: Can't wait to get some off to stalk...view some fotkis.....:user:
i'm going to subscribe to this thread!!!! I wish some others would come and add to it! I love all of the beautiful heads of hair here!!!!!!
babyblue said:
hi, i'm type 4 with hair past midback. Feel free to peep my album if u like. I didn't BC and i did a long transition which isn't easy but can be accomplished with the right products, styles and techniques. As far as lenght, my hair was pretty long relaxed so reaching the same lenghts as a natural shouldnt be an issue for you.

YOUR HAIR IS GAWJUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!
I'm not BSL yet, but I wanted to agree with the other posters your growth rate is going to change. I have been able to achieve the same length hair as a natural that I had when I was relaxed.
Hey seeminglysweet your hair is pretty as a relaxed girl, and it will be pretty as a natural. :)

I'm not quite BSL, but getting very close. I've been natural most of my life, but was relaxed for about one year. I didn't do a BC, but just pampered my hair and allowed it to grow out about 8", then cut the relaxed ends off. That took about 14 months. My hair grew at the same rate when I was relaxed as it does now. It really is about how you care for your hair. It seems that no matter what our growth rate is over a one year period, we grow faster in some months than others (at least I do). If you want to go natural, don't be scared. You will be fine, because you obviously are taking good care of your hair and have support from many lhcf ladies.
My hair is about BSL when straightened out, I think I may be an inch away because I recently trimmed. I can't say how long it has taken me because I just really started trying to grow it long in August. I didn't transition. I chopped all of my hair off to about an inch (probably less) and wore braids. I just got tired of trying to blend my natural roots with my relaxed hair. This is the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been, my hair and scalp didn't respond well to relaxing. I hope I answered your questions.
I transitioned without a BC. I was approx. BSL when I started and and passed BSL now. But my hair is layered more now than when I was relaxed.

My hair grew at the same rate essentially (better when I was living a more healthy lifestyle). Retention is another story however. My advice would be to always section, your hair to shampoo/detangle/condition/moisturize. Shrinkage is serious, so if you do any significant trimming or cutting, you may be shocked at first.

All of you ladies have beautiful hair. :eek:
This is an inspiring thread. Although my hair is more 3c/4a I'm natural and right now I'm a little past shoulder length. I was relaxed for 4 years after being natural my whole life and transitioned for a year and then cut off the relaxed hair. I don't think my growth rate is different now I think I just pay more attention and know how to better care for it. I'm still amazed at how fast it's been growing.
seeminglysweet said:
I am 10 weeks into a 12 week stretch. Everything is going great and I'm not really stretching for any other reason than the fact that I need to evenly space out my touch-ups so that on my birthday I can have a fresh relaxer:lachen:

Usually when I streatch for this long I don't really notice any texture to my new growth but this time I do and I must say that it's not so bad. I've had long(ish) hair all my life (no shorter than APL). I would really love to go natural and enjoy my texture at least for a short time and have the option to return to relaxers, but I'm scared of not having any length :perplexed either from doing a BC or due to my hair just not growing the same way that it does right now.

So I wanted to have a roll call of all the natural 4a/b BSL or longer ladies.
Also, it would help if you could identitify whether you have always been natural or if you transitioned and how long it took you to get to BSL.


:) I'm natural since 2001 (no transition-big chop:almost bald) and my hair growed slowly it really starts to grow and get healthy since 2005 (shoulder length). Now my longest layer is touching my brastrap (upper) when stretched, I never ever had this length before!
chocolate01 said:
I'm not BSL yet, but I wanted to agree with the other posters your growth rate is going to change. I have been able to achieve the same length hair as a natural that I had when I was relaxed.

How did your growth rate change ? Is it or does it appear to be slower or faster /
I'm BSL and I transitioned. It didn't take long to get there; it seemed really quick because I wasn't always straightening my hair. I think you'll notice much quicker growth if you don't manipulate your hair much.
Wow, you ladies have beautiful hair. For time purposes, I'm not natural now, but I know if I decide to become natural, I will have you all for inspirations!
missann said:
I'm BSL and I transitioned. It didn't take long to get there; it seemed really quick because I wasn't always straightening my hair. I think you'll notice much quicker growth if you don't manipulate your hair much.

Do you all who are natural straighten your hair often? Ever?

If I did go natural, I would like the option of straightening my hair.

But it seems like straightening natural 4a/b hair would cause a lot of breakage.

Do you find that your hair breaks off a lot when you go natural???
wow, what an inspirational thread! i'm only at collarbone, but i can't wait to join you longer-haired ladies! :D

cocoberry10 said:
Do you all who are natural straighten your hair often? Ever?

If I did go natural, I would like the option of straightening my hair.

But it seems like straightening natural 4a/b hair would cause a lot of breakage.

Do you find that your hair breaks off a lot when you go natural???

i'm 4a-ish and i only straighten about 2x a year. also i'm very careful - i use plenty of heat protectant, i airdry and will only use a ceramic flat iron (in love with the knockoff CHI i bought at Sally Beauty Supply :love: ). i haven't seen any ill effects to my hair. some people's hair can handle heat better than others so... i guess it depends. i know some 4a/4b women IRL who are natural and almost always wear pressed hair (except for summer when it's humid) and have hair longer than mine.

my hair doesn't break either... it's very well-moisturized and strong. could be stronger though,that's why i'm looking into henna. :grin: but i don't lose a lot of hair during detangling, straightening or any of that. HTH
cocoberry10 said:
Do you all who are natural straighten your hair often? Ever?

If I did go natural, I would like the option of straightening my hair.

But it seems like straightening natural 4a/b hair would cause a lot of breakage.

Do you find that your hair breaks off a lot when you go natural???

I'm currently straightening my hair 3X a year to check its length, and maybe on special occasions. Once I get to MBL, I'll re-evaluate my heat usage. It's really nice just enjoying my natural texture, and not using heat to straighten.

Except for 1 yr, I've been natural all my life and have almost no breakage. When I straighten I use heat protectant, and keep my straightent ends moisturized.
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