
New Member
Hey ladies

After a successful self trim a few weeks ago I decided to relax myself. I used Vitale Sensitive Scalp.( It's an excellent relaxer and straightens quickly. The chelating shampoo and corrective conditioner in the kit are AWESOME leaves hair supper soft and moist.)

Anyway, enough about the relaxer itself, It just felt so great to do it myself, I was sure not to overlap, I worked quickly and experienced no burning. I was able to put the corrective conditioner on while the cuticle was open and use the chelating poo three time. Now I'm doing an ApHogee treatment and I'll follow up with a deep conditioning under the dryer before I set my hair on magnetic rollers.

Last time I went to the stylist it was a mess. He didn't have my relaxer even though he said he did on the phone and was using different poos and cons from the last time I went. I don't really know what he was slapping on there. And I wasn't sure he was neutralizing and conditioning properly. My hair came out really overprocessed, my scalp was fried, and my ends were scorched and dry.

Doing it myself allows me to love my hair and control the process at every phase. Plus the more I do relaxers, sets, and trims myself the better I'll get. Plus buying all my supplies cost me 25 bucks while I paid that fool 80 to burn my hair and scalp to a crisp.

Someone on the board said it and it's really true... no one can love your hair like you can.

So from this moment on I'm an official DO IT YOURSELFER!!!

Well congratulations. You will save yourself a ton of money and the power will be in your hands and not someone else's. way to go :)
Congratulations! I'm so glad your first self-relax was a good experience and I know you feel empowered. The first time I did my own relaxer w/ my newfound LHCF knowledge, I was kicking myself for even trying to return to a stylist. Good luck and HHG!
macherieamour said:
Im soo proud of you!! How liberated do you feel right now??????

I feel great. I'm posted up under my Pibbs deep conditioning for 20 minutes.

I've given myself so much more TLC than I ever got at the salon for a quarter of the cost.

Plus I'm IN LOVE with the Vitale Sensitive Scalp Relaxer. It's like it was made for my hair!!! Definately worth the quarter tank of gas I burned up searching it out in remote beauty supplies all over the DFW. :lol:

nadz said:
Wow! This is serious motivation for me!!!

Thanks :)

You can definately do it. I was the MOST hair challenged person you've ever seen a few years ago, and this board has totally helped me turn around.

Now I've got SKILLZ!! :lol: But I can't brag cause I learned everything I know from the wonderful ladies on this board.

Just get the supplies you need and go at it girl! It gets better each time you do it!

chayil0427 said:
You can definately do it. I was the MOST hair challenged person you've ever seen a few years ago, and this board has totally helped me turn around.

Now I've got SKILLZ!! :lol: But I can't brag cause I learned everything I know from the wonderful ladies on this board.

Just get the supplies you need and go at it girl! It gets better each time you do it!

I'm so jealous right now...if i could just learn to self relax...i'd be the happiest girl in the world.
Do you relax your whole head at a go? How do you know you are not overlapping in the back, pls pm me details on how you relaxed
I need more details too on self relaxing. I'm glad you had a good experience becasue it encourages others like myself to try it again. I have a question for ya'll, is it safe to sit under the dryer (after rinsing the relaxer out) with the Aphogee conditoner on your hair for 5 minutes, then neutralize?
*high five* It feels great to master a skill. With the 80 bucks you will be saving, you can reinvest that in more quality products or just stock up on the things you love. I love doing my own. I tend to underprocess myself but atleast I know my hair is protected the way I want it to be. Not like someone else thinks it should. Great job:)
chayil0427 said:
You can definately do it. I was the MOST hair challenged person you've ever seen a few years ago, and this board has totally helped me turn around.

Now I've got SKILLZ!! :lol: But I can't brag cause I learned everything I know from the wonderful ladies on this board.

Just get the supplies you need and go at it girl! It gets better each time you do it!


This is so inspiring!:) I'm going to begin relaxing my hair myself too and I love to hear about others that have successfully done it.

To not have to be a slave to stylists is such an amazing, empowering feeling!:)