CharyJay Style Cards


New Member
So, Chary Jay just came out with "Personalized Style Cards." Twice a month she will release a new hair style (not featured on her youtube channel) and will provide personalized instructions on how to achieve the style for your hair--this includes product recommendations. These style cards are $5 and will be e-mailed.

See video here:

What do you think about the idea of personalized style cards? Do you think they will be helpful or would you prefer a video? Are they worth the money? Also, do you know of any other vloggers/bloggers who sell style cards?
It's a unique idea as far as I can tell. I haven't seen anything like this before. But that's just me.

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I think it's an interesting concept, but I'm a visual learner when it comes to styling so the style cards wouldn't benefit me much at all. Written instructions and a picture just won't cut it :lol:
I might be interested in it. I like cooking books so I think I might like these as well.

I also like that she is thinking relatively outside the box and doing something different, but complementary. This is how you monetize influence.
I love that she is thinking outside the box and I love her channel. Even though I probably know how to do a lot of her styles, I want to support her. She always seems to be positive (at least from what I have seen so far). I hope she does well with this.
Yeah I saw the video last night and though it was an ok idea. She is a business woman but I wouldn't pay $5 for something I can probably find on youtube for free. I am already style challenged so I don't believe a picture card would do anything for me.

I think in the future youtubers should have the option for people to pay to watch their videos. If you have a big following, I think that can bring in a good amount of change.
it really is a new and different idea and she does style her hair nicely although i have never tried to do any of her styles.

i wouldnt invest not just because i am cheap mainly because natural hair is usually manipulated using the same techniques ( twist, braids.w&G, curl formers, flexie rods,...) and the main difference is usually the products and the hair.

i dont buy a lot of product and i dont have hair like hers and i can usually look at a pic of a style and know how to recreate it.
CharyJay has great marketing skills and I applaud her for thinking out of the box because there is so much that can be gained from the style cards such as additional income from product placement, etc.


As someone who posts youtube style tutorials myself, I often get the most odd questions about a style where the answer is clearly visible in the tutorial and I can tell the commenter has watched the clip, but they still have questions about how to complete the maneuver.

If people can watch videos and still have crazy questions, I can't imagine what kind of questions her e-mail inbox will be flooded with from a card with a couple pics and a bunch of words.

I guess this will be a trial and error thing for her. Wish her the best.

ETA: She should consider a coffee table book.
So I think she is now going to provide exclusive video for style card least that is what I gleaned from her last video when she mentioned she was going to film a tut for her style card-which, if available to everyone would defeat the card's purpose. I think that adds some value, but my hair is so different from Charyjay that no amount of "customizing" would help me achieve her styles.
I dont understand the concept. Is it that the styles she does for the style cards will never be shown on her YouTube channel? edit: :giggle: reading IS fundamental

because Ive taken screen shots of YT vids and pictures off lhcf and taken to my stylist and she just recreates them

I guess if you are one of those people who want to be the first to have a style, then the style cards would be appealing.
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I kinda like this concept. It's different plus I love her style but most of all I love her hair. Her hair is giving me life right now.
I dont understand the concept. Is it that the styles she does for the style cards will never be shown on her YouTube channel?

Yup, these are exclusive styles just for card purchasers--tutorials for these styles will never be featured on her channel for public view (at least this is how I understand it).
I agree. I think a styling book would be a better idea.

+1 on the style book, a couiple of index cards isn't going to cut it. Plus, she can charge more for books as opposed to the cards.

I think her concept is the same thing we see in some hair or makeup magazines where they give picture demos of how to achieve certain looks, but I'd prefer to have an entire ensemble not just one style at a time. What if I buy a style card and I don't even like the style? It kinda seems like there's no guarantee you'll get a style you like or can actually achieve.
The idea reminds me of the little tutorial banners that I see on pinterest from the beauty department (they have pictures of each stage along with instructions) like this one:


If so, I think it's a great idea. I have copied a number of the updos from there.
I can't sport Charjay's style but I think the cards are a good idea. If its similar to what WavezNCurlz posted, I can easily display that near my mirror when I'm trying to duplicate the style. I can't do that with a book.

It would be nice to pick and choose what cards I want though. I wouldn't want a card of the month.
It would be nice to pick and choose what cards I want though. I wouldn't want a card of the month.
That's what I'm sayin, not every style she does is something everyone likes or is gonna be achievable for every type of hair, if she can manage it she should have 3 styles out of which u can pick one or all three if u like. People love options.
I see what you all are saying. I didn't realize that she was only releasing one at a time. It would be nice to have a collection of cards - kind of like a recipe bank - and you could pick and choose the cards that work for your hair.
OK I just watched her latest style card video and went to look at the style cards .... I understand the concept now..... and I likey :yep:

and it really is personalized because you give her your hair length etc .... I wonder if she makes product suggestions.

and now you have a chance of winning some nice prizes from sponsors/collaborating companies
I see what you all are saying. I didn't realize that she was only releasing one at a time. It would be nice to have a collection of cards - kind of like a recipe bank - and you could pick and choose the cards that work for your hair.

maybe after a while when she has produced enough style cards, she can offer packages of a month of style cards etc from past editions
I don't think I will be purchasing a style card anytime soon because I don't got it like that, however, I think Charyjay is on to something! I am really enjoying her videos. I am loving her makeup, her hair, her style, her spirit. She has good content.

****now if only she could answer my questions about what camera she uses and what settings for her pictures. I would love her forever :)

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People will buy anything when it comes to hair. Smdh... U have to buy the card and then go out and buy the products too? Great marketing ploy.
I think its a good idea. I'm style challenged however, and don't even get styles when people post videos. But I hope it works for her!