changing signature..


Well-Known Member
I was trying to update my signature, and even though I kept things almost the same length, I kept getting a message that says the image in my sig is too big and needs to be under 80 pixels. I didn't change the image, just saying that my page was updated. Now, I have seen some sigs with huge pictures, regimes, vitamins, challenges; by comparison, mine is tiny so I don't understand what the issue is??
Hi mermaid,

Your signature's picture is 183x95 pixels which is more than 80. Now there has been an upgrade on the forum software which restricts signature images to certain dimensions. This happened after you had your signature up there (and some members also) If you don't change it it will stay as is but when you try to do so you will be restricted to the settings.

This was enforced as a courtesy to the members that log in through a modem to have the forum load faster than it should.

Ohhh, so just adding "update" or a hair album change of address is too much then? I guess I'll just type it in manually (gasp)!

Thanks, Nikos!!