shalom said:
Ladies - I want to ask you guys to pray for me as I am looking to change my job career. I want to get back into finance. I've been thinking about it for quite some time now, but just not sure if this is God's will.
Please pray me. Thank you.
What a pleasure and such a heart that you are dedicating your life's directions and decisions unto to the Lord. He loves this. Therefore, expect great things coming straight from Heaven, from His heart into your life.
I pray and thank God that His destiny, sure -- is in full and open operation in your life. That you are walking in His paths each day, each moment within. That you will be fully aware that God is with you, not only as Father, but also as your friend.
He has an open door for you which no man can shut; therefore move in full confidence that you are being lead by His heart and by His Spirit into the right position, at the right place and at the right time. You have the blessings of Abraham over you and none can ever take that way.
You have a special gift and a talent, therefore your gift shall make room for you and it shall place you among important men. Men who will look at you and say, 'this is the one,' sent by the Lord.
Your position will be fixed and fully established, and none shall make you uneasy or afraid. For the work you will do will be a testimony unto the God you so love and serve and He will always be right there with full wisdom and counsel and in love. For you are His daughter, you are the one He cherishes from above.
Father, for this we pray and thank you with all of our hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.
Now Shalom, expect your blessings, Sweetheart. Okay? Walk in your name..."Shalom", which means peace. For Peace is with you all the way. God's peace.
{{{ Loving Hugs }}}