Request Challenges Sub-Section


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to have a sub-section of the 2012, 2011, 2010 Challenges within the Hair Care Discussion Section?

I think a lot of members don't join challenges because they can't find them and they become buried. Members have also found themselves posting in the wrong challenge because they didn't notice the year change.

If the challenges (Hair) were in one location for the year of the goal it would streamline things a bit, and probably cause heavier participation.

I appreciate the consideration!
In the past, i remember there used to be one thread like "All challenges for 2011 posted here" with links. one member would make it and then the mods would make it a sticky.
i'd make it myself if i wasn't so lazy. :look:

Thank you so much for that! I do recall seeing that thread a while ago, and I think I may have even commented then about creating a sub-section or sticky! I've gone ahead and made the thread based upon your comment, and I can only hope it becomes a sticky or leads to the sub-section itself!

Thanks again!
I agree there should be a sub-section for challenges but further division by year is a bit much.
Yea they should make a sub section for challenges I think the hair forum is too flooded with challenges sometimes I just want to look at hair care tips and reviews
SummerSolstice said:
Just a place where we could find a list of active challenges would be really nice.

I agree! Hence this thread. I did start a thread with the current active hair challenges and one of the moderators said it would be a sticky but have yet to see that happen. I try and keep it bumped so it's always in the first few pages.
My first LHCF post!! I've occasionally come across this forum before in the past, but only subscribed today after spending the past week pouring over all your hair care secrets- pretty psyched!

I'm about to start a crash course in revolutionizing my hair & health, and have been searching for challenges to join. I used the search function, but it would be cool if there was a challenge section, maybe with the challenge dates always listed in the thread titles so u can see if it's still active. I'll post later this week in the relevant thread with my detailed plan and thanks in the meantime, LHCF, for all the ideas and support!

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