Challenge Ideas for Next Year


Well-Known Member
I wanted to see if you ladies could come up with new challenge ideas for next year.

I looooove hair challenges! But this year's challenges was a bit more lenient than last year's challenges. Like most of the ones i'm in don't really have any rules to em. And then...i got confused because two of the challenges were based on waistlength...but one was for Full WSL.

So i wanted to see what all kinds of ideas everybody has when it comes to next year's do you prefer more rules? Do you prefer different names for challenges? there a random challenge idea you came up with?

Let's put some umf in 2010 ladies!!!

I have an idea!! Partner up with a newbie twin challenge 2010!! Partner up with a newbie who has similar hair as yours and help them find regimens and help them make short term hair goals.

That way they won't get too discouraged feeling as though they'll never reach their longterm goals.:yep: How does that sound?
Has there been a KISS challenge?

I'm not good with coming up with ideas like this, but I would love to join one...LOL!
Well i'm gonna write down my ideas for my Newbie Twin Challenge 2010. I believe i'm gonna have it start January 1st. And ppl can start signing up...hmmmm....i guess this week....but i'll post a thread on either tomorrow.....maybe i should start the sign up next Monday?

I think this will be a fun challenge...!
I have an idea!! Partner up with a newbie twin challenge 2010!! Partner up with a newbie who has similar hair as yours and help them find regimens and help them make short term hair goals.
I think this is great, speaking of myself i had to this by ,yself. I believe is gonna be amazing that we can integrate the newbis.

I think all challenges are good if ppl attached to them and talk about their experience,

I'm thinking in one. Don't know how to call it, but a protein diet for hair grow and weight loss. We can upload our weekly body picture and a monthly hair picture. So the thread won't be "useless" for a long time (every month).

I'll make some thinking and will be back
I would say rollersetting challenge, but I always quit those because i can never get it right, LOL
I love the bootcamp challenge, and the deep conditioning challenge. They fit right in with my keep it simple approach to caring for my hair. I don't really join challenges unless they fit into what I'm doing with my hair, or I believe in what they stand for. Like with the Newbie 2010 challenge.
I really want to join a challenge since, I never realy got to actively be in one.

A oil your scalp at least once a week challenge.
Satin rollers challenge
Deep condition challenge
Healthy ends challenge (part 2)!!!

*edit* I'd also be down for a no heat challenge too!
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