Certain "key Words"


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Every time some one types in 'certain' words it takes you to a nebulous/random site. That needs to be fixed immediately.

If you type in words such as hair oil, flat iron and a few others it forms a "Link" and takes you to a site.
Is it only happening to iPhone users?

I've never seen it (not an iPhone person either). But I saw a thread where a couple of posters commented on it and they confirmed that both had iPhones.
It must depend on the browser. I see the links in Chrome on my iPhone, but not in Firefox on my PC.

I have an iPhone and I use Chrome. Very interesting.....

ETA: I think it's more of a Chrome thing than and iPhone thing. I've seen these annoying links while on my PC, also.
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@dimopoulos I'm on my i p a d and I see the keywords " i p h o n e " and " f l a t i r o n" as link to a commercial site ( yes, I was dumb enough to click).

Someone is high jacking this site for their own gain. Hope this stops soon.
I can't see what you all are talking about, but if it's those hover ads (old school way to advertise on a forum,) you can block them using Ad Block.
I was on another forum that did this and yes, this is a way to generate ad revenue for the site. It's annoying. Fortunately I don't see it because I have adBlock. I suggest you all download it.