Ceramide Users: When It Comes to Clarifying I...


New Member
How often do you use ceramides in your routine, how do you use it and how often do you clarify?

I've been experimenting with this but I haven't felt any negative effects from clarifying weekly, still if there's an easier way I'd be happy to take it.

So share ladies, how, when and how often do you get down with the clarifying.
I use ceramides by way of Wheat germ oil every co wash and wash (once each week). I clarify about every 3-4 weeks but I'm still in need of a stable clarifying shampoo and schedule.
I use ceramide oils mostly rice bran oil, to pre-poo and seal. My staple poo clarifies, so that happens every wash, 1-2x a week.
I do a ceramide treatment monthly. I also use cones to style and have hard water so I clarify/chelate every two weeks. Haven't seen any negative effects yet. Been doing the ceramide treatments/clarifying thing for years.