Celebration Time


Jesus, I Trust In You!
** Climbing the podium, adjusting the mic, clearing voice **
We were on the verge of divorce. There was too much bitterness
, love was out the window, shedding, splitting and balding were the order of the day! The lawyers (aka scissors, stylists and Asian array of fake hairs) had been contacted and the day for the trial set (big chop), however, an innocent search on the web resulted in http://pub135.ezboard.com/frelaxhaircarefrm1

It turned out that many other distressed couples (hair + ladies) had discovered unconventional ways of re-igniting the passion in their relationship. We were speechless and continued to visit for comraderie.

On one of those such visits, there was mention of LHCF. We ventured (me and myhair) to this site not knowing what to expect. It turned out to be the salvation of our marriage. Our lawyers tried to make us reconsider (we don't blame them for they were losing valuable customers for life) but we took one look at each other
, remembered what drew us together in the beginning and proceeded into the realm of PJism. We struck a bargain and decided on a sort of symbiosis; I would give TLC (tender loving care) and my hair would GHF (grow healthy & fine).

Today marks our one year anniversary here?
and though we still bear our last name 'myhairsos', we'd like to formally announce a change of name to 'myhairsofine' and thank you all for the tips, suggestions and encouragements offered to us this past year. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou so much!!!

Anybody wanna share about your journey
Thankyou Keylargo. You were here some 2 months before we arrived, care to tell us your story <grinning sheepishly>?
Great story! Happy anniversary today.

You've reminded me that I have Redken anti-snap samples that I'm going to try sometime.
That's a really funny narrative and congrats!

Singingstar12, I see you have my favorite singer and hair idol, Helen FolaSade Adu. Nice, very nice! One day, when I take time to figure out how to post pictures, she'll be my avatar.
Thanks Ladies, thanks Tracy .... story is funny but very true. LHCF ROCKS 4 SHO because I could have been my_hair_so_jacked_up!!!

Pictures are on the way, I promise
It's beautiful Meg, and invaluable for combing hair after rinsing out conditioner ... no tangles and no snap
Congratulations and Happy anniversary. I enjoyed your story.

Ballet Bun ...