Cayenne Pepper Tonic (Growth Aid)


New Member
I was perusing the forum, and I noticed that a number of ladies have been using a cayenne pepper and olive oil mixture to stimulate hair growth.

I've read up on cayenne pepper and it had a number of benefits (good for the heart, sore muscles, etc.), but it also stimulates blood circulation (i.e making it potentially good for hair growth).

However, I was wondering if anyone here has used a cayenne pepper TONIC as a scalp stimulator. If so, how did it work for you? Its made with cayenne pepper and vodka.

I recall reading about it in a natural hair care book (can't remember the title) a long time ago, and I recently stumbled across the recipe on an alopecia website. Apparently, you can put it on your scalp and don't have to wash it out (unlike what I've read about the olive oil and cayenne pepper mix). Whether or not this is true, I'll have to see. for myself I decided to go ahead, make the tonic, and give it a try for a month or two.

It won't be ready for another week a so. I'm still saturating the vodka with the cayenne pepper.
what is the recipe? Also, what's the diff between that and the olive oil base to where you don't have to wash it out? Im not going to wash out my olive oil/cayenne mix.

(bumping for responses.)
To make the tonic you combine a pint of 100 proof with 4 ounces of cayenne pepper (preferably organic). Let the mixture stand for about two weeks and shake the bottle at least once each day. At the end of the two weeks, strain the mixture through several layers of cloth (or a nylon stocking) until the mixture is free of pepper. Then you apply the tonic to your scalp as needed.

As I understand it, it's the last step of making sure the tonic is free of pepper that supposedly eliminates the need to wash it out. With the olive oil and cayenne pepper concoction, I've noticed that some ladies have found pepper flakes in their hair after applying, which makes washing a must.
To make the tonic you combine a pint of 100 proof with 4 ounces of cayenne pepper (preferably organic). Let the mixture stand for about two weeks and shake the bottle at least once each day. At the end of the two weeks, strain the mixture through several layers of cloth (or a nylon stocking) until the mixture is free of pepper. Then you apply the tonic to your scalp as needed.

As I understand it, it's the last step of making sure the tonic is free of pepper that supposedly eliminates the need to wash it out. With the olive oil and cayenne pepper concoction, I've noticed that some ladies have found pepper flakes in their hair after applying, which makes washing a must.

ok, thanks. When I put cayenne pepper in my other mixture, I could only see the flakes when I was up close to the mirror. I did let the ingredients marinate, but i didn't strain it.

It sounds like, from that recipe, that people will go around smelling like vodka....drunk just joking around.