Cayenne Pepper for New Growth??


New Member
Ok so has anyone heard of the cayenne pepper oil mixture for hair growth?? Does anyone do this as part of their regimen? If so what is the mixture, how many times, and what are your results?

I'm a newbie natural just looking for new things that may help me on my hair growth journey (:
I used it early in my journey. The cayenne was mixed in olive oil. I would oil my scalp with it The articles I read about its use said to use it as a pre poo. I did not. I would oil my scalping could feel the tingling in my scalp. It changed the color of my hair. I stopped using it and went back to monistat It gave me good results
Blue thanks girl I checked it out.

^^^ it changed your hair color? Yea I read that the tingling feeling is the stimulation from the superhot pepper. U saw no new growth though? I've heard about the Monistat, but never looked into it.
I used the cayenne pepper oil and used it as a HOT. I also tried putting it in my shampoo and let it sit for 5 mins. I did feel tingles but despite all of that I still had no growth. Monistat gave me no growth as well.
Ladies, I did see some growth with the cayenne and oil mixture. It changed my hair color cause I would leave it I instead of washing it out. Most of the things I read treated it like a pre poo. The mix turned my hair reddish in color
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I made a cayenne and olive oil infusion last week and put it in a dark cabinet for one week. It will be ready for use tomorrow. I just need to strain it and use it as a prepoo for the next month along with no direct heat, roller setting and tea rinses under my dc's.

Hopefully this will give me a nice amount of ng for my next t/u on June 27th
I made a mix a few months ago using mustard oil. I use it as a prepoo every weekend, alternating biweekly with EVCO. I love the way my scalp tingles and I'm noticing increased growth coupled with DCing.
I've used cayenne pepper in my hair oil concoctions and to be honest it gave me the second best growth next to Surge Plus 14. I've been thinking for a long time now to revisit because i had much success with it.
Do you guys do your pre-poo at night or in the am?

Has anyone tried adding it to their cowash?

I'd like to try this but I don't prepoo
While re reading the responses, I noticed the ladies mentioned they strain the oil and cayenne pepper mix. I let mine "marinate" for about a week or so. I did not strain mine. I guess it got more potent during the time i used it I was happy with growth. I was thinking about going back to the cayenne mix. You know alternating the MN mix every six months or so. What do you think. Throw my scalp a surprise
I actually heat up a light oil and the cayenne pepper until it boils and strain with cheese cloth... i loooved the warm sensation it gave my scalp. I used it with MN and sulfur and it gave me about ... 1-1.5 inches of growth a month.
I made a HUGE batch earlier this year using cayenne extract and castor/olive oil. With the extract I didn't have to worry about straining any powder since it was all liquid. I got good growth from using it.
SInce we are at the six month mark maybe we could start a cayenne pepper challenge for 6 months up till December.

Who's in? I'd like to revisit this and get back the inches i lost these past months through breakage. So anyone up for a challenge starting this week. It would'nt be a full 6 months since we'll be off to a late start.

It would be great to document the progress through pics, compare and share.

So is anyone interested?
SInce we are at the six month mark maybe we could start a cayenne pepper challenge for 6 months up till December.

Who's in? I'd like to revisit this and get back the inches i lost these past months through breakage. So anyone up for a challenge starting this week. It would'nt be a full 6 months since we'll be off to a late start.

It would be great to document the progress through pics, compare and share.

So is anyone interested?

Im up for the challenge. This is my first time using cayenne except for using hair trigger (didn't see any growth)
Ladies who are getting growth from this, are you leaving the oil in or pre pooing with it?

PuddingPop I used it as a leave it but was cowashing every 2 - 3 days. (I was using liquid cayenne extract) If you use it as a prepoo you have to be extra careful to prevent the oil from getting in your eyes.
I made a cayenne and olive oil infusion last week and put it in a dark cabinet for one week. It will be ready for use tomorrow. I just need to strain it and use it as a prepoo for the next month along with no direct heat, roller setting and tea rinses under my dc's.

Hopefully this will give me a nice amount of ng for my next t/u on June 27th I didnt seem to feel any sort of tingle when I massaged this in and I was already having excessive shedding from brahmi oil prepoo's sooo...I poured this oil in a skillet on med heat and added 2 teaspoons of minced garlic and a little more oil. I let it cool some then strained and put the oil in an app bottle.

Oiled my scalp and strands, baggied and let it sit overnight. When I washed it out it instantly stopped my shedding.

Still didnt feel much of a tingle until I washed. Im gonna keep it up on my next wash though

Where did you get the cayenne extract? I know there is a tincture available on the hair trigger site in three different strengths. Did you get it from there??

After I relax on Sunday, Im planning to do a length check and measure my hair all around with a ruler/tape measure. I will post my stats and a pic when Im done.
Last edited: I didnt seem to feel any sort of tingle when I massaged this in and I was already having excessive shedding from brahmi oil prepoo's sooo...I poured this oil in a skillet on med heat and added 2 teaspoons of minced garlic and a little more oil. I let it cool some then strained and put the oil in an app bottle.

Oiled my scalp and strands, baggied and let it sit overnight. When I washed it out it instantly stopped my shedding.

Still didnt feel much of a tingle until I washed. Im gonna keep it up on my next wash though

Where did you get the cayenne extract? I know there is a tincture available on the hair trigger site in three different strengths. Did you get it from there??

After I relax on Sunday, Im planning to do a length check and measure my hair all around with a ruler/tape measure. I will post my stats and a pic when Im done.

Hey mshoneyfly
I got mine from essentialwholesale
Ladies who are getting growth from this, are you leaving the oil in or pre pooing with it?

In the past I left the oil in. I don't like too much manipulation for my hair so I just leave it on. I will strain my oil this time around though, the crits from the pepper was too difficult to wash out. I will start on June 11th.