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Lady Esquire

I heard that someone knew a person who shaved her head and starting using this before every wash. The person's hair grew down to her butt in less than two years. Cayenne pepper can serve as a stimulant since it makes your scalp burn.

You can buy any brand of Ground or Liquid Cayenne Pepper you like.

It must be made into a paste before applying.

You must use cayenne pepper paste at least 2-3 times a week.

You can put it on any thinning or balding spots of your
choice. (on your entire scalp)

You can use water, or any oil of your preference.

You can even add things to it if you like, make it to your own accord.

Whatever you choose to use to add to your mix, you must leave it in for minimum of 30 minutes, with or without cap, if done before your regular cowash or DC's it will not interrupt your regular regimen.

Please post the days you used the cayenne pepper, to keep everyone updated, accountable and reminded of progress.

Check In will be the 1st of every month
! You can also post pics if you have a camera, but describing any growth or experience with it will be good too!


When applied external on the human skin, rubefacient herbs like cayenne pepper causes irritation and redness of the skin-consequently, there is the attraction of the blood towards the area of the skin where the rubefacient herb was applied. It is the increased peripheral blood circulation that helps in relieving pain, reducing congestion and inflammation of the external tissues.

Most analgesic creams, liniments and lotions available commercially today, contains capsaicin as their main active component. Applying any product that contains capsaicin extracted from cayenne pepper -will first of all stimulate or cause the skin to glow fiery red (due to the irritation of mucous membrane) and subsequently, decreases the intensity of visceral pain in the area of where the product was applied.

Home-made cayenne oil could be prepared by infusing 25g of dried ground cayenne pepper in 500ml of vegetable oil such as sunflower, olive oil, etc for about 10 to 14 days. The oil is warmed daily under a very low heat. Other rubefacient herbs such as cloves, mustard, ginger, black pepper could be added if desired.

Home-made cayenne liniment is however, superior to the cayenne oil because it absorbs easily through the skin when it is applied externally.

A liniment is usually prepared by steeping rubefacient herbs like cayenne into 70 per cent alcohol for about 10 - 14 days.

After filtering, the liniment is then bottled and labelled and is ready for external use. The cayenne oil prepared as indicated above could be added to the liniment to double or to enhance its efficacy. Alternatively, other essential oils like the Eucalyptus oil, oil of cloves, etc could be added to the liniment to improve its healing quality.

Cayenne pepper could be applied directly on the skin in the form of herbal poultice. Ground dried cayenne pepper is made into a paste by adding hot water. Alternatively, the ground or powdered pepper could be mixed with equal quantity of powdered charcoal and then mixed into a paste with hot water.

The cayenne or its mixture with charcoal is spread directly on the affected part. The cayenne could also spread between gauze and placed on the affected part. It is then covered with light cloth or gauze and bandaged loosely.

You can actually mix cayenne with water, make a paste and massage your scalp with it. You leave it in 20 to 30 minutes and then wash it out. Excellent results have been seen with alopecia, male pattern baldnessand excellent results also in women that have lost their hair.

In the early days of medical practice, the practitioners stimulates hair growth in cases of alopecia (hair loss) by massaging the scalp with a mixture of cayenne pepper, and salt into fresh onion juice - cayenne triggers off increased blood circulation to the scalp - which increases its nourishment and hair growth.
Today, most natural hair tonic contains, cayenne or the capsaicin extracted from it as an essential ingredients.

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I used castor oil to mix my cayenne pepper with and massaged my entire scalp with it for about 7 minutes. I'll shampoo after 30 minutes are up
Count me in. I love cayenne. I mix it in drinks and sprinkle it on foods.

I think I'll try this recipe:

04/08/2008: Nancy from Brunswick GA writes: "I would like to post another remedy. Can't believe how many people are interested in this remedy! I felt some of your readers might want to have this. Nancy

To grow hair:
Aloe Vera Gel and Cayenne Pepper.
1/4 to 1/2 c. of Aloe Vera and 2 capsules of cayenne pepper.( Any cayenne will do, You can use Kitchen Spice)
May need to adjust measurement of the aloe and cayenne a little more or less..For the right consistancy.
Pour mixture into a hair color bottle and shake well.
Apply to scalp, massaging in with fingertips.
This mixture will stimulate and clean the hair follicles.
The hair cycle may take a few weeks possibly months, but you will see results.
Leave on scalp at least 10 to 15 minutes or more if you wish. Can be applied weekly.
If you want to use this remedy more often I suggest you try it once and wait a few days, particularly if you have sensitive skin issues.
Caution.....This will burn somewhat, Be careful around eyes. Do not make mixture too runny as it could run into eyes.
Do not make mixture too thick as it will not squirt out of bottle.
You will continue to feel a slight burn even after this remedy is rinsed off.
Aloe Vera gel normally needs to be refridgerated, When mixing remedy allow it to sit a few hours at room tempature before applying to scalp.
Do not apply to scalp cold, as this will close your pores.
If you make more than you need, it will keep a few days in a cool place.
I have used this mixture as a facial scrub, It is a firey facial! Cayenne Pepper is great for circulation. Cayenne Pepper packs a punch, mixed with Aloe Vera and all the great things in Aloe Vera are increased.
Cayenne is called a "catalyst" herb that increases the efficacy of the ingredients you are using. "

I have heard of this before, but I'm doing enough already. I will be observing from the sidelines though. HHG ladies!
I'm not going to join the challenge, but I support you. I am going to add some to my NuGro spray, its alcohol based so there's my tincture.
I have heard of this before, but I'm doing enough already. I will be observing from the sidelines though. HHG ladies!
Same here, i've heard about it, but never seen a prove. It was a challenge here with the Cayenne Pepper, i read it all but but never saw a picture ... so i don't know, i want to try something for the growth but i wnt to see nefore and after pictures, before i try it. :perplexed
I'm willing to add this to my regimen. I just did my bc yesterday and will do anything to see some growth quickly.
well I'm a camera w**** even when I look busted lol

so at the very least you'll see b4 and afters from moi!
I used castor oil to mix my cayenne pepper with and massaged my entire scalp with it for about 7 minutes. I'll shampoo after 30 minutes are up

how much of each are you using?

I think I'm going to mix my cayenne w/ evoo. Can coconut oil be used also and if so which do you think would work better?
how much of each are you using?

I think I'm going to mix my cayenne w/ evoo. Can coconut oil be used also and if so which do you think would work better?

I think equal parts is what I did. I made the mix a while ago when I was growing my thin patch on my hairline out and my eyebrows since I was bleaching them and my hair to match

I think that avocado, coconut, and olive oils have the most benefits so either of those :yep:
I think equal parts is what I did. I made the mix a while ago when I was growing my thin patch on my hairline out and my eyebrows since I was bleaching them and my hair to match

I think that avocado, coconut, and olive oils have the most benefits so either of those :yep:

Ok I made a big batch just now. 8 oz oil and 2 tblspoons cayenne. I saw that the lady who grew her hair long in 2 yrs used 4 oz evoo and 2 tblspns cayenne, but that seems like a lot. I mainly used evoo but i did add a lil coconut and 7 oil.

I can use this on my eyebrows????? Mine dont grow well on their own.
Ok I made a big batch just now. 8 oz oil and 2 tblspoons cayenne. I saw that the lady who grew her hair long in 2 yrs used 4 oz evoo and 2 tblspns cayenne, but that seems like a lot. I mainly used evoo but i did add a lil coconut and 7 oil.

I can use this on my eyebrows????? Mine dont grow well on their own.

Be careful putting the concoction around the eye area. Seems like it should work though, IDK.

Where did you see the lady that grew out her hair in 2 yrs. ? I'd like to see it too or least read about it.
Ok I made a big batch just now. 8 oz oil and 2 tblspoons cayenne. I saw that the lady who grew her hair long in 2 yrs used 4 oz evoo and 2 tblspns cayenne, but that seems like a lot. I mainly used evoo but i did add a lil coconut and 7 oil.

I can use this on my eyebrows????? Mine dont grow well on their own.
Take care with that! Cayenne Pepper is chili per se (i heard the pepper spray is made with this pepper), so it that stuff enter in your eyes, it wont be funny :nono:
You ladies are gangsta! I can't hang with this one, but good luck to all of you and I can't wait to see your progress!
Be careful putting the concoction around the eye area. Seems like it should work though, IDK.

Where did you see the lady that grew out her hair in 2 yrs. ? I'd like to see it too or least read about it.

look at page one. in my second post, i included links. it's the first LHCF link

I used q-tips to apply on my eyebrows

man that stuff burned my skin there
if u use the cayenne oil can you just leave it on your scalp since the burning subsides after awhile? or do you have to wash it out also
hmmm, i wonder if you can even use the bengay or capsaicin ointment from the tube? hmmmm???

I found this on another site:

Ok Ladies, this is my mixture recipe: I part antifungal creme, 1 part Capzasin-HP (, and one part hydrocortizone creme. I use all "CREMES" and NOT the ointments. Mix everything together and apply everyday or every other day.

I came up with this concoction based on my own research into hair growth. You know how some people go to dermatologists for cortizone injections for hair growth? Well cortizone is a steroid that agitates the scalp into producing hair.

Cayenne pepper increases blood circulation when taken internally and applied topically. This is why it works for arthritis. When applied to the skin, it increases blood flow hence stopping pain. The main ingredient in Capzaisin Hp is Cayenne pepper.... Don't believe it? rub some in your eyes.... just kidding!

Next, everyones hair would grow a little faster if it were not for some common bacteria and fungi that are on the scalp. So just by using an antibacterial alone.... you will produce more growth.

Mix all 3 together and you have a Very powerful growth treatment!
ok thx. ill have to sit this one out then even tho i've considered this for awhile. i have braids in and i can't be washing them 2-3 times a week. my hair'll be a mess.

You can still add it to your regimen. I've read that a few ppl only apply it before dc'ing/poo/cowash
You can still add it to your regimen. I've read that a few ppl only apply it before dc'ing/poo/cowash

that won't make too much of a difference cause i only wash my hair once a month. i kno, i kno, i suck at life.

but i need something that i can apply w.o having to wash out. i'll prob just wait until the summer when i stop wearing braids b4 i do this.

thx for all of your help tho