Caution: Fake/knock-off Viviscal Supplements


God's Own
Ladies - please be careful when ordering supplements from sellers who are not the manufacturers of the product or authorized distributors.

I received an order of Viviscal yesterday (ordered on Amazon from JZ Care) and the condition of some of the boxes made me take a closer look at what I received. There were differences in counts of tablets, print on boxes, lot number format and ingredients. I compared what I received to the description and packaging on Viviscal's site.

When I contacted Viviscal and described the differences and shared my concerns, the Viviscal customer service representative confirmed that Viviscal products were never manufactured with:
  • 90 count packages ( 60 or 180 count only)
  • Calcium as an ingredient
  • alpha-numeric lot numbers
  • printed packages as I described

Knock-out supplement and drugs can contain mercury, lead, poisoning and a host of other harmful ingredients we may not be aware of. They are made in sub-standard, unsanitary conditions and certainly with inferior ingredients, including some which may be deadly.

Had I not observed the differences or had the shipment contained ALL knock off boxes, I would not have known they were fake. I may have gotten sick, or even worse, died. Saving a few dollars is not worth the risk. I filed a complaint with Amazon on the order. I will also return another supplement I ordered off eBay recently, as I have a very real concern on legitimacy of the product. In this case I have nothing to compare it to - therefore, I'm not taking a chance.

So please be observant and careful! Putting our health at risk is not worth whatever dollar savings the product offers.
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Thank goodness you saw something was off!!

Do the packages have the viviscal label and everything? I wonder if viviscal will take action against this fraud.

As a consumet, you can also send a bottle to the US FDA. They investigate (test the product) and shut these things down all the time.
Thank goodness you saw something was off!!

Do the packages have the viviscal label and everything? I wonder if viviscal will take action against this fraud.

As a consumet, you can also send a bottle to the US FDA. They investigate (test the product) and shut these things down all the time.

@DarkJoy - yes the labels are VERY similar - but the differences and ingredient list are what caught my attention.
What is so crazy is the CSR confirmed what I mentioned but didn't seem so concerned about it. THAT SURPRISED me!
Amazon was very relaxed about it as well and suggested I contact the seller. I reminded the CSR, the danger of a seller selling knock-off supplements on THEIR site. At that point she decided to forward the issue to the complaint department.
I think about the supplements on sites such as eBay selling at significantly lower prices than they should and now I am concerned they may be knock offs from a makeshift factory in China, UK, etc.