Causes of hair loss


Well-Known Member
How can u tell whether your hair is thinning due to a bad relaxer, heredity, or a health problem? I know u should see a doctor if things get severe. I think Surge or a bad relaxer may have done it tho b/c it is only in the front of my hair where I applied surge a while ago.
Well I dot think you shoudl see a doctor but It also depends on what hte breakage looks like. Alopecia would be actual bald spots. As afar a genetics is concerned look at your moms or dads hair. Thats an EXCELLENT way of seeing what youll look like in a few years. As far as products Id say if you added or changed naythign lok at that first . When you stop using the products does it remedy the situation? If not look at soemthign else. If you rhair was fien beofre the new relaxer or surge then its mayeb one of thoses. Go back to your old relaxer and lay off the surge. Just be safe about it.
You won't know unless you go see a doctor. My crown area had thinned out badly and I FINALLY went to a black dermatologist. She told me it was common in black women for that area to start thinning and she thinks it may be due to the relaxer,although I have used them for years. She said the fatal mistake we make is waiting too long to see a dr. and at that point nothing can be done. In the early stages, they can reverse things. I was given two prescriptions, one is a compound mixture that the pharmacist had to make out of sevwral ingrediants and the other is a prescription shampoo. She said that should stop the itching and strengthen the hair follicles and allow it to grow back. She said if that does not work, then she will take a biopsy of my scalp and do injections. I do see that the thinning is from the relaxer because I used to just keep relaxing that area and it would break back off, but now that I am 15 weeks post relaxer, I see it growing back out again, so I am convinced my crown area no longer likes the chemicals from the relaxers.

So I urge you to see a dcotor before it is too late!!
I think it may have been the Surge. The reason why is because the same thing happened to me my whole left side where I was treating it with Surge broke off badly and when I say broke off badly totally broken and those were my longest strands. I'm still growing it out now and this breakage happened in April. The place where I got my hair relaxed asked what the hell happened to all your hair. My hair is finally growing back but my hair is totally uneven because of the breakage, but I refuse to start over with a new cut. I recommend you stop using the Surge.
If you have ANY inkling that it might be medical, go to a Dr. sooner rather than later! You will have a much better chance of regrowing hair if a Dr. can diagnose and start treatment and the first signs of hair loss.
Lovelylocs said:
How can u tell whether your hair is thinning due to a bad relaxer, heredity, or a health problem? I know u should see a doctor if things get severe. I think Surge or a bad relaxer may have done it tho b/c it is only in the front of my hair where I applied surge a while ago.

First off, is it shedding (end has white tip) or breakage (no white tip) you're experiencing. Depending on which one you're experiencing I can tell you what has worked for me in the past:

For breakage: I always use Nexus Emergencee two washes after I get a relaxer. I shampoo, add emergencee with no plastic cap, sit under the dryer for 30 minutes, rinse, and condition under the dryer for 15 minutes. This always cuts out breakage after a relaxer.

For shedding: Your hair may be shedding for a number of reasons. It may be that your iron is low, poor diet, if you're taking birth control pills-make sure they are not high in androgenic hormones, the type of relaxer you are using, or product build up. It really depends on your situation. I found out my iron was low again, so I started taking iron. I realized my bc was high in androgenic hormones so I switched it, and I had not clarified in about a year, so I did that. My hair has since stopped shedding so much. I think my issue was more iron related than anything, and with iron, it will take a few months to build up my iron storage but my hair is getting back to normal. Also, if your hair PH is off, it may be good to use Porosity Control, I've heard that helps too. I know when I used no lye, my hair shed more than usual and it never seemed to be soft. Now I only use lye.

But in all of this, consult with your doctor. Especially if you are seeing patches of hair missing or bald spots! My hair was shedding all over, so I did some research and have come to the conclusion that my hair shedding episode was iron related. Hope this helps.
No patches missing. thank god! no bald spots. Thank god! Just thinner areas. Yes it has shed out. It could be my diet. I am a vegetarian. I am gonna start taking hair vitamins and seek out a dermatologist. Thanks for the advice and keep it coming.