Caught Off Guard & Secret Surprises


Well-Known Member
Dude-Get-It-Together Lesson #1: It really is the little things that get us going.

I'm talking to new dude on the phone and he kept saying "you seem like a girl that's difficult to please". Guys tend to think that it's jewelry, roses and ginormous production proposals that get us going. When on average, most of us are more "quiet as its kept" girls who prefer small consistent actions as opposed to random giant displays.

What are those little things that people have done for you in the past that caught you off guard and really truly piqued your interest and your curiosity?

So Again, I'm talking to new dude: so I call him up and he's writing and listening to music, which he says helps him get his creative juices going. I ask him what he's listening to and he tells me and then starts explaining what he likes about this particular artist's music (little did he know I was actually VERY familiar with the artist in question - but didn't say anything), the type of mood it puts him in when he listens to it etc. I ask some questions and we move on.

Thirty minutes later in the conversation, we're talking about something totally different and he tells me to "check my email". In the thirty minutes of other conversation, he uploaded his favorite album from the artist, zipped it to me and emailed it to me.

...and we spent the next 30 minutes going through some of the tracks and listening to it. We're 3,000 miles apart, and somehow he made it seem as though we were sitting in the same living room.

MsNadi = Caught Off Guard.

What about ya'll?!?
goodness gracious Msnadi...I am caught off guard for ya. LOL. He sounds like a great guy!

its waaaaaay past my bedtime so i'll try to think of some tomorrow.