CatSuga's Hair on Ebay

Girl, you are bonafide crazy...with your "Holy Negro Mane.":lachen:

And to beat all, your auction has been viewed over 600 times!!!:eek:
megonw said:
:eek: Throw that mess out! What are you waiting for?
To see how much CatSuga gets for her hair..... :lachen: Hey look at Monica Lewinski(sp) she held onto that dress and look at what it got her!!!!!! :lachen: .....
if someone buys this...ill shave my head for 1k., reallly:look:

there could be alot of $$ to this hair thing:think:
You off the chain for that one...damn I wish I thought of it first. :mad: No you know what I am going to clip my toe nails and see if anyone want to buy "***** stinking toe" to help bring success in their life and to promote hard work.....I don't know....But there is another idea.. either "black stinking toe" or "***** stinking toe." We can all partner up on this collect a whole jar or toe nail clippings.... :lachen: :lachen: :grin:.......Like I said you off the chain girl.... :)
I HAD to bump this!!! The listing is no longer on eBay, but you can get the gist of what happened by reading the comments.

JCoily said:
I HAD to bump this!!! The listing is no longer on eBay, but you can get the gist of what happened by reading the comments.

This is my first time seeing this hilarious thread. :lachen: I sure do miss CatSuga, too!