Cathy Howse Experts Holla Back!

I am trying to understand what the Cathy Howse method is. Some people use modified versions and I want to hear from you. I have visited her website to learn what she's doing but it seems to have a negative, sharp tone and seems critical to questions and competitors. I respect the fact she's a pioneer in African American hair care but the tone of the site kinda grieves my spirit. I am not trying to start a fight I just want information without reading the site.
It's mainly stuff you will find here on this board, stretching relaxers, deep condish, frequent washes, moisturizing the ends 2x per day, also she uses heat 2x a week by straightening her hair with a warm curling iron.
She has products that she pushes, some ppl seem to like them, I wasn't that impressed to be honest.
IMO, you will find all of the info for healthy hair growing you need right here.:)
Youll find all the basics here as sugarose said, but I really advise reading the book if at all possible. This book was a handy reference when I first started my hair journey and worth every penny I paid for it to be honest. I have never used her products though.
I started out with Cathy Howse and from what I've learned is:

Trimming is not necessary for hair to grow
Shampoo and deep condition every three days or once a week
Moisturize hair daily
minimize heat usage or none at all
No brushes
Taking vitamins/ healthy diet

I think there's more, but this is what helped me the most.
ALot of her methods when I read them seemed to be more geared towards relaxed hair but I must say the importance of deep conditioning, not putting grease on the scalp, and not needing to trim were important tips that helped me also. I think all of these have been mentioned on the board though. You should be able to get a copy of her book at the library if you don't want to buy it, that's where I got it just because I didn't have the funds.
I agree with everything said here. Cathy Howse was a good starting point, but I hated how she didn't go into deail on key things such as airdrying and no-heat styles. For someone who's never air-dried before, you need help in knowing the techniques that work and ways that you can style your hair. Even after reading her book (which was good....I recommend it), I was left with questions. Caroyln Gray's book and the hair boards were great next steps of info for me. Helped fill in the blank spots.

Also, I hated how she only recommends her own products. The conditioner is okay and the moisturizer is pretty good, but there's other stuff out there. Her stuff is available no where around where I live and I got tired of the price and shipping and handling. You'll go broke trying to keep up with her stuff!
EbonyHairedPrincess said:
I am trying to understand what the Cathy Howse method is. Some people use modified versions and I want to hear from you. I have visited her website to learn what she's doing but it seems to have a negative, sharp tone and seems critical to questions and competitors. I respect the fact she's a pioneer in African American hair care but the tone of the site kinda grieves my spirit. I am not trying to start a fight I just want information without reading the site.

Her tone is nasty and when I read her book it had alot of incomplete thoughts however I love her products but do not care for her attitude.
Everything she is trying to say in her book/on her site is covered on here but in a more clearer understanding. Pm me and I'll tell ya some good books to get ( I currently have 2 fav books);). I did learn some things from her. No trimming, wash/dc every 3 days, and always moisturize hair. Her book just was not well written I mean alot of books have a few typos but damn near her whole book was jacked up:p
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I don't like her tone either. I visited her website a fewtimes, but most of her suggestions are found here and in other books. I also felt like I wasn't sure I got an unbiased approach, because she was pushing only her products. I have two or three other books that have been helpful to me.

As with anything, we have to take what we can use and toss the other stuff. It is nice though, when we can find a source that is full of great ideas!

...and no "tude" or personal product marketing.