Request Catholic Sub-forum

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New Member
Could we have a catholic sub-forum in the Christian Forum where questions specific to that faith are not inadvertently derailed by those who don't comprehend catholic doctrine? There are quite a few catholics on LHCF and I think they would participate in the CF more if they felt protected enough to post without fear of having their faith shot down. I also think it would help keep more peace over there and would encourage mutual respect if there were an outlet for catholics to participate. Thank you for considering my request.
I've never even been in the Christian Forum, but I might be more inclined to do so if there was a Catholic sub-forum. I don't know what's happened in there, but if its anything like what happens on a daily basis, I can imagine.
i would like a separate forum also. catholicism and protestants are both christian but they are worlds apart at times.
I've never even been in the Christian Forum, but I might be more inclined to do so if there was a Catholic sub-forum. I don't know what's happened in there, but if its anything like what happens on a daily basis, I can imagine.

Same here.
It's not a good idea to have subforums in the Christian Forum.

Catholics are not the only denomination represented in our Christian forum. If there's a subforum for one denomination than it has to be one for all, and that is simply not feasible neither is it wise, as it encourages segregation in the Faith.

Our focus needs to be upon getting along with each other and allowing Jesus to be the focus of the Christian Forum, not subdivisions. The key word here is 'divisions'. No denomination is better than the other. Subdivisions become 'cliques', which in turn breed and feed into contention and further away from God's heart bred plan for us... to build HIS Church, not ours.

Jesus has called each of us to be 'One'... not separate, but 'One' as He and God the Father are one. Jesus said that the 'World' wil know us by our 'Love' for one another. Love cannot bond in separate quarters.

We either get it 'right', here on earth or we miss it in Heaven.

Subforums in our Christian forum...will only result more harm than good, to the Body of Christ and the fellowship of the Christian forum.
Dear Mods,

The term "Christian" covers all denominations. While Catholics do deem themselves the "true Church" there are a lot of Christians who are not it makes absolutely no sense to have a sub-forum. Not only is it unfair to other denominations, it is an invitation for chaos and confusion on this site.
Althought I agree with many points in Shimmie 's post, I do understand the need for a Catholic subforum, if there is a proportionately large number of Catholics on the board. As with any online community, forum subcategories make sense when 1 or more topics dominate the board. This has nothing to do with divisions or clique or us not being "one". It makes sense to keep things organized. Again, this is not an attack on religion, but a matter of organization. I'm simply saying that subcategories will not necessarily cause division. It may actually lead new folks to post, by being less fearful of possible criticism of their beliefs.
^^ This is what I'm struggling to understand...this is a public Forum and memers pay a membership fee to post their thoughts/comments. Why does anyone allow the comments of members they don't even know to keep them from exercising their right to post in a public forum. Do we give people that much power over us?

Is this really about organization? I seriously doubt it..there is more to this than neatly categorizing posts. I understand the need for some of the subforums. But to me, this request is like splitting the pet subforum into "dog forum" and "cat forum" because either or both owners don't like what they read and want to interact only with like-minded owners -- though both are talking about pets.
^^Yeah, I pay the membership fee, and there are many instances where I refrain from posting certain response. Not because I'm afraid, but moreso because I don't want to get into any kind of cyber dispute (I just dont care enough for all that). Nonetheless, people do get intimidated. It happens.

So you do not think it's about organization. So, what are you thinking it's about? Perhaps I'm being naive. I'd love to know what's on your mind. In regards to the pet forums matter, I think it makes sense (if it's an extremely active board) to separate pets into dog, cat, reptiles, others, etc. But that's only if this was an extremely active forum with hundreds of various pet posts. In that case, the subcategories would be a must.
I think there should be a Religion Forum.
The forum already looks messy with all these random sub forums all over the place.
I am not a Christian, so I avoid the Christian forum, but I understand the desire for a separate forum. The various divisions of Protestantism have very different philosophies from that of Catholicism and even within Catholicism there are different rites and factions. I think the two forums would be different and would make the board more organized. I do understand the point that if you do it for one, you have to do it for all to be fair....though I don't think it's necessarily unfair to split Catholics and Protestants.

Honestly, though, I think for those who wish to discuss religion more freely and not feel intimidated or otherwise out of place, I would recommend going to another board altogether. I think that religion is very interesting, though I'm not into any particular belief system. My favorite forum for religious discussion for ANY religion is .....also, the Spirituality section in the Nappturality boards can be interesting if you want perspectives from mostly other black people.

Since people do pay for this forum, making the suggestion and wanting it to be considered seems reasonable, but for those hoping on this to happen, I wouldn't hold my breath. Check Religious Forums....WEALTH of information and it's filled with curious, open-minded (and some closed people, whether you're into Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, forms of Paganism, atheism or anything in-between.

Good luck Truth seekers!
Discussions of religions other than Christianity are not allowed. :nono:

That is extremely unfortunate. If there were a "religion/spirituality" forum I would definitely feel more comfortable to post and im sure others would as well. If one is not a "christian" then that part of the forum to me is off limits in a sense. You lurk, but anything that may be an unpopular opinion and/or comment is subject to criticism.
^^ This is what I'm struggling to understand...this is a public Forum and memers pay a membership fee to post their thoughts/comments. Why does anyone allow the comments of members they don't even know to keep them from exercising their right to post in a public forum. Do we give people that much power over us?

Is this really about organization? I seriously doubt it..there is more to this than neatly categorizing posts. I understand the need for some of the subforums. But to me, this request is like splitting the pet subforum into "dog forum" and "cat forum" because either or both owners don't like what they read and want to interact only with like-minded owners -- though both are talking about pets.


It's more like keep your shaggy dog away from my poodle. :lol::lol::lol:
Since people do pay for this forum ..

It's 54 cents a month...

We are given far more in return for those two quarters and four pennies. Far more. How many of us click on the banners which help to support this forum. The administration isn't getting rich by running this forum.

How much of that 54 cents per month pays for the long hours spent by them, keep the system up and running. Answering / Responding to one request/compaint which are endless and 99.9% unappreciated.

YET... folks pay through the nose for items, services and whatever which have absolutely no value let alone customer service reps who do not fulfil what is due to the customer.

It speaks volumes... the 54 cents per month for the exceeding care and information and the place that we have been provided with by the LHCF administration speak volumes. In spite of the disrespect that they get from the behaviour of many here, the undeserved comments, the rudeness...

This Forum owes us nothing. We owe them.

54 cents a month that allows folks to have a place to complain and criticize. :nono:
I am not a Christian, so I avoid the Christian forum, but I understand the desire for a separate forum. The various divisions of Protestantism have very different philosophies from that of Catholicism and even within Catholicism there are different rites and factions. I think the two forums would be different and would make the board more organized. I do understand the point that if you do it for one, you have to do it for all to be fair....though I don't think it's necessarily unfair to split Catholics and Protestants.

Honestly, though, I think for those who wish to discuss religion more freely and not feel intimidated or otherwise out of place, I would recommend going to another board altogether. I think that religion is very interesting, though I'm not into any particular belief system. My favorite forum for religious discussion for ANY religion is .....also, the Spirituality section in the Nappturality boards can be interesting if you want perspectives from mostly other black people.

Since people do pay for this forum, making the suggestion and wanting it to be considered seems reasonable, but for those hoping on this to happen, I wouldn't hold my breath. Check Religious Forums....WEALTH of information and it's filled with curious, open-minded (and some closed people, whether you're into Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, forms of Paganism, atheism or anything in-between.

Good luck Truth seekers!

The bolded, underlined and resized was not the request. Incognitus put it succinctly "organization." That fits better in line with the reason for the request. As far as participation other fora, many people are involved, I would suspect. This place is a little different as we have common goals since it's a hair forum for Black women.
Catholics are not Christians, and most will tell you so. The theology of Catholicism and Christianity are worlds apart, therefore Catholicism SHOULD NOT BE A SUBFORUM of Christianity!! I can agree on having a Religious forum as long as the religions are separate from each other.
Catholics are not Christians, and most will tell you so. The theology of Catholicism and Christianity are worlds apart, therefore Catholicism SHOULD NOT BE A SUBFORUM of Christianity!! I can agree on having a Religious forum as long as the religions are separate from each other.

This is not an absolute fact, but rather, a concept that is greatly debated.
Catholics are not Christians, and most will tell you so. The theology of Catholicism and Christianity are worlds apart, therefore Catholicism SHOULD NOT BE A SUBFORUM of Christianity!! I can agree on having a Religious forum as long as the religions are separate from each other.

If this were the case, then exclude any catholic from participating in the CF period. You should come to our mass Sunday, St. Sebastian parish with Fr. Rushovsky. You will hear the gospel of Christ and see us partake of the eucharist which He commands us to do. It is a terrible misunderstanding of a culture different than your own and I know why.

When a catholic says he's not a christian (not all say this), they are referring to being protestant. I say this sometimes in family when I'm trying to figure out the religion of my kids' friends. We know what is meant. It's to differentiate between what you are and what you're not WITHIN the body of Christ. It's a cultural expression and I think that Irish are more prevalent with it. You heard someone say it but you misunderstood what this particular person as meaning. In fact, most catholics absolutely do say they are christians...but when differentiating between the sects, the old way of doing it is "He's not catholic, he's christian" e.g. "protestant." As far as being worlds apart, well, we are under the Church that Christ instituted upon the earth and we are definitely old. There is the Eastern and Western churches and we are the same minus some slight differences but the centrality of it all is in the sacrifice of the mass as well as tenets of the faith. Cultural differences are there...but we are practically the exact same. We're older than protestants so, it depends upon your world view. With us, it's that you all have evolved differently. To protestants, it's that they have found the truth outside of the original churches' structure. Christ is central and we are both within christian religion. :yep:
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