Categorizing Conditioners for the Newbies


New Member
Hello, Everybody!

For the Newbies to the Board, including Yours Truly, would the "veterans"categorize the conditioners they use by type: Moisturizing or Protein?

I think that those of us who aren't as familiar with products, this type of information would be very useful.

Additionally, would someone explain the difference between a heavy protein conditioner and a light conditioner, and give examples of each type?

Last, would someone recommend good leave-in conditioners?

I make the above requests because there are often so many questions re: conditioners, and having a general list of brands and types would be very helpful. I know I have generated a fair number of these types of questions (lol)!

I realize I am perhaps requesting information which may already be listed someplace, but your patience with us Newbies is very much appreciated.

Thanks a whole big bunch!

NorthernBelle - Welcome!

Here's my list. I just pulled it off my trusty hair journal....

Be aware tho - that for some of us, you may have one conditioner listed under varying categories. All that means is that the given conditioner performs differently on that person's hair than another....

Ok here goes:

Protein Conditioners:
Jherri Redding Protein Pac
La Maur Bone Marrow Conditioner
Mermade Protein Conditioner
Dudley’s Hair Rebuilder
Nexxus Emergencee (once every 4 weeks only)
Nexxus Keraphix
Dudley’s Cream Protein *

NACIDIT Aciete Oliva
Pantene DMR
Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil Cholesterol
Miss Key Diez Y Uno
Salerm Wheat Germ Mask *
Nexxus Humectress *

Leave Ins
Infusium 23
Motions Nourish
Fermodyl 07 and 233
Silicone Hair Treatment
Salerm (watery in large bottle; cream in smaller bottle)*
Ineral Hair Fixer

The ones with stars next to them are ones I am waiting to try or re-try.

This is a CURRENT list of what I use. It changes often.
But this is the current stuff I rotate. I just pick one from each category after I decide which category I'm going to use that wash day (protein or moisture).

Here's my list:

Conditioner (Moisturizing)
* L'Oreal Nature's Therapy Mega Moisture Nurturing
* L’Oreal Nature’s Therapy Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment

Conditioner (Protein)
* Aubrey Organics GPB

I enjoyed your hair journal. Im still trying to master the basics of the computer and could never put together anything as nice as your journal. Good luck reaching your hair goals.
