Castor Oil Results...Anyone REALLY Noticing Increased Growth...PLEASE Post Here

Hi there ladies -

Okay so here's the short story: For the past 1-1.5 years I've been trying to grow my hair to midback (I'm almost bra strap now). My hair is natural 4a/b and I've been wearing protective styles a lot during this period. My hair has barely grown though for the past 6-9 months. So I've thinking about participating in the Castor Oil Challenge. Only thing is I've checked out the posts and I haven't seen many say that they've noticed an increase in growth

So I'm anyone REALLY noticing an increase in growth? If so, I'm sure me and a lot of ladies that are on the fence would love to hear (...well really read...) your stats (where your hair was when you started and what if any growth increase you've seen over what you normally get).

Thanks so much ladies! ...we "on-the-fencers" really appreciate the help and testimonials!!!
idk about growth (even though my hair has grown alot since i BCd, idk if the results would be any different if i didnt have castor oil in rotation)...but its def in my top 2 fave oils...some ppl complain its too thick but thats what my hair needs!! lol it really seals in moisture and keeps my hair soft and shiny for days, and i use it on my scalp too
My hair loves castor oil, and not just for a growth aid. I've been using it almost daily shortly after my big chop in February (see my siggy/fotki). My hair at 7 months, is longer than the first time I went natural at 10 months (without the use of Castor oil). That was a mouthful, but I hope you get my drift. I'm a slow grower too. Hang in there. :)

i've never tried using castor oil on my scalp but thanks for mentioning this. bumping for you
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Hi there ladies -

Okay so here's the short story: For the past 1-1.5 years I've been trying to grow my hair to midback (I'm almost bra strap now). My hair is natural 4a/b and I've been wearing protective styles a lot during this period. My hair has barely grown though for the past 6-9 months. So I've thinking about participating in the Castor Oil Challenge. Only thing is I've checked out the posts and I haven't seen many say that they've noticed an increase in growth

So I'm anyone REALLY noticing an increase in growth? If so, I'm sure me and a lot of ladies that are on the fence would love to hear (...well really read...) your stats (where your hair was when you started and what if any growth increase you've seen over what you normally get).

Thanks so much ladies! ...we "on-the-fencers" really appreciate the help and testimonials!!!

If your hair isn't getting longer coz your ends are breaking then castor oil will help you. It's good for conditioning and protecting hair. If your growth rate coming in at the roots has slowed then that's an internal issue - you should reassess your diet and take vitamins.
I get good growth with castor oil. Now if I can just quit trimming :wallbash: You should browse through the past castor oil challenges. I have before/after pics there.
idk about growth because i recently BCed, so i dont really dont know whats excessive growth or just regular growth yet ya'know ? but during my transition period my hair grew to about 3 inches in 6 months so im assuming i grow the normal 1/2 per-month. since BCing and using castor oil i havent seen any head-turning growth but my hair has gotten a little softer and i attribute that to the castor oil
My hair growth has been regular since using it but the condittion of my hair is actually healthier. It feels great and its been feeling fuller. My hair also hasn't been breaking as much.
Oh that's great to know that the breakage is being minimized. Thanks ladies. FreshStart that's great that you got 3" in 6 months. Yes, I guess that's "normal" for many people since they say that that is the average, but that hasn't been the case for me. If I could get 1/2" per month consistently I will be very pleased with that. that would mean my mid-back length goal would at least be predictable if that makes sense.
I will throw in my recommendation. My hair, for as thin as it is/was, LOVES JBCO. I can clearly and easily say that I have received more growth since the end of July til now than I did between all of 2008 and March of 2010. I use it on my hair minimally every other day. When I didn't use it, I would have had a ton of SSKs and crispy ends by now. Since I add it to the length of my hair and esp my ends, I don't see split ends like before.
Wow...that's what i'm talkin' about! That's great MzTeaze. I hope you'll keep us updated on your results.

I just bought regular Castor Oil from Vitamine Shoppe. I'm noticing a little itching...not sure if it's in my mind or what but i heard that that happens with the JBCO so I'm guessing it's normal. i hope that means it's doing something. But it's only been on my head for a little bit...
I don't think castor oil is a growth aid per se, but it is a great oil that helps seal in moisture. And, since it's so rich, it definitely makes your hair softer. I prefer to use it for scalp massages and on dry hair rather than wet hair because it's so thick it's a little hard to distribute through wet hair. But yes, it does help retain length. I've been using castor oil since I BC'ed 9 months ago - started off with 1 inch of hair and now I have 6.5 inches. Constant moisture and sealing have really helped me keep SSKs at bay, and I rarely see a split end - I think I have seen maybe 3 or 4 in 9 months.
Thanks EllePixie. So it sounds like your hair grows a little faster than normal with or without castor oil (if i'm understanding you correctly) since you grew 5.5" inches in 9 months (niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!!). Normal would have been about 4.5 inches so that's pretty nice growth...

Is there anything that you were doing that you think actually did contribute to the amount of hair growth or is that just a normal amount of growth for you?
My experience w/JBCo has been a thickening effect more than anything. It is a fab moisturiser and I believe it to be the sole reasion I have not hav=d to have my ends trimmed in 6 months. When I BC in June of 09 I used another brand moisture yes but I didn't treat the ends. I started using chlorella (growth aid),weaving, exercising and dieting and WAAAA-LAAAAA I am past my shoulders and healthy and full. I would twist my hair and lightly base the ends with JBCO. My hair is thriving.

I believe you need to protect the hair when it grows but growth comes from the insideout.
Thanks EllePixie. So it sounds like your hair grows a little faster than normal with or without castor oil (if i'm understanding you correctly) since you grew 5.5" inches in 9 months (niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!!). Normal would have been about 4.5 inches so that's pretty nice growth...

Is there anything that you were doing that you think actually did contribute to the amount of hair growth or is that just a normal amount of growth for you?

I agree with I AM... that growth comes from the inside out - I do take a hair vitamin, but mainly I just try to get enough sleep, drink water, eat a ton of protein, and exercise. I tried Megatek (I'm working on getting an inch a month), and I do think it works but I didn't use it for a super long time to really measure and my hair is protein sensitive as well, so I didn't want to OD on protein. I just ordered MTG and plan on using that daily (I cowash everyday so I am not worried about the smell using it at night). My bangs are currently at the top of my lips and my goal for the end of the year is to grow them to my chin.
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I am a huge fan of castor oil. It is the only oil I use every day to seal in moisture. I have used the regular drugstore clearish- yellow kind as well as JBCO. I have noticed increased thickness, shine, and overall appearance of hair improved. I also don't have chewed, fried, crispy ends. I haven't had a trim in 6 months and the ends are still fresh. Castor really holds in moisture without making hair greasy-- its just soft & naturally shiny. I can tell a big difference when I run out of my precious castor and try to seal w/ something else...even something good like EVOO or EVCO. I always run back to castor. My hair is thinner, breaks more, and looks lifeless without it. I could make a commercial for castor oil LOL-- I love it!
I use JBCO on my edges. I never thought if it as a 'get longer hair' type growth aid. I thought it was just for thickening strands and filling in areas of sparse hair growth.
Are you having no growth for 6-9 months, or have you not been able to retain your growth? Hmm, I guess that's hard to determine on natural hair (unless it colored). Maybe you've reached terminal length? Or maybe you can try something like Ovation or a sulfur based growth aid.
I use the JBCO and it has definitely thickened my hair overall. I did slack off of it cuz I started using the Frenchee's super grow which is good too for my hair. But started back on the JBCO and I love it and will not stray from it again. This stuff is fabulous to say the least. Growth I am not so sure about but thickness for sure. I use it both for my scalp and as a sealant to retain moisture. It is trully nature's blessing!
I notice very soft/fluffy hair with less breakage..I use it on my scalp,edges & a little on the ends...

JBCO & Red Pimento castor oil

Happy Hair Growing!
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i use regular castor oil and ive noticed that it leaves my hair soft and moisturized all day long. im not to sure of growth just yet. iveonly been using it for two months or so.