Castor Oil Ladies get in here!!!


Active Member
Hey ladies. I'm still a newbie here and I've searched for this info but no luck. If you find any info don't be shy to send it me.

Anywho...I was wondering if anyone has heard of or used Africa's Best Castor Oil??

sry if the pic is big! lol but I was also wondering what you think about the product and if you can use it as a castor oil sub? I'm not really an oil person per say but I've heard that sealing your ends with castor oil and baggy gets you results.

SOOOOOO what are your thoughts.


I have used Africa's Best stuff. Its cool. More like a grease than anything but it is no sub for the real thing.

Castor oil (when applied to wet hair ONLY and air dried) leaves your hair very soft, manageable, without it feeling oily. It should feel more moisturized.
I use a different brand of castor oil and I mix it with my other oils. I love castor oil and it will remain a staple for me. I use it to oil my scalp and seal my ends too. I don't know much about Africa's Best but I'm sure that if you use it to seal and baggy you'll get good results. Personally I think it's best to use the pure stuff though.
i only use pure castor oil (like from the healthfood store...i also got some from an indian store for 2.99 for like 12 oz) ...never heard of the africa's best stuff, but im sure it has lots of extra (maybe not so great) stuff added.
Any reason why you don't want to use the real castor oil you get from walgreens/walmart?

I don't want my hair to have that oily look. I used that Dr. Miracles gro oil as a pre-poo and after the wash and everything my hair was super oily looking.

I HATE OILY HAIR. When my hair is super oily it stays dirty. like when ever I'd scratch my head I would have to clean my nails after cuz it was have so much gunk.
I have used Africa's Best stuff. Its cool. More like a grease than anything but it is no sub for the real thing.

Castor oil (when applied to wet hair ONLY and air dried) leaves your hair very soft, manageable, without it feeling oily. It should feel more moisturized.

When you used Africa's Best did it help your hair at all?? I was looking at the Real Queen's Reggie on youtube and thought about giving that a try. In the trial and error stage with my hair and I was wondering if that reggie actually works.
I've used it before. It's grease. Grease with a lot of good ingredients but grease none the less. If you don't like oily hair I would recommend that you don't use grease or castor oil. I use both sometimes. Maybe you could try sealing with an oil that is a lot lighter like avocado oil or coconut oil. Only use a tiny bit on your ends