castor oil in uk


New Member
since reading that quite a few of the pple here use castor oil for their hot oil treatment i was wondering if anyone knew what kinda shops i cud get it from...i've tried boots, holland and barrett and they havent got it and i'm thinkin of tryin some of those lil asian shops, londondiva, londongirl and ne1 else from the uk pliz help me...

ngaa /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
I would consider a West Indian shop that sells West Indian food and products. They may have it.

Also one of those hair shops that sell mostly black hair care products.

Or maybe an African shop that sells artifacts, clothes, traditional African products and nick nacks.

You could also try an alternative medicine type shop too.
Just trying to think laterally...

Not sure about the UK, but here in the US you can
also buy castor oil at health food stores.

You can also order it from ($8 for 32 ounces) which
is a great price. Not sure if they send to the UK, but
they might!

castor oil is a medicine for constipation so it should be in boots. did you ask the assistants?? i got mine from Westburys chemists in london. just make sure you ask the guys at the counter /images/graemlins/laugh.gif