Castor Oil differences?


New Member
Trying to find Castor Oil (I read that Jamician Black Castor Oil is the best) locally just to add to conditioners, etc., so I don't necessarily need the best, and wanted to know what is the difference between and which do I want?

1) Castor Oil (Ricinus communis )
2) Castor oil, sulfated, a/k/aTurkey Red oil

Thanks for your help
:lachen:@ Is this computer on.

I think no one has responded because the knowledge you seek is rather obscure. I'm sure someone on this board knows something though. Good luck, OP. :)
BUMP!!! I have not a clue but I use regular Castor Oil and JBCO. I did a search via google and it said Turkey Red Oil is used for soaps and bath oils...good luck
OMoon was there a difference between the reg. and JCBO? That would help me determine if I need to go the route of the Jamaican (where's the dread emoticon when you need it :grin:)

BUMP!!! I have not a clue but I use regular Castor Oil and JBCO. I did a search via google and it said Turkey Red Oil is used for soaps and bath oils...good luck
OMoon was there a difference between the reg. and JBCO? That would help me determine if I need to go the route of the Jamaican (where's the dread emoticon when you need it :grin:)

BUMP!!! I have not a clue but I use regular Castor Oil and JBCO. I did a search via google and it said Turkey Red Oil is used for soaps and bath oils...good luck
OMoon was there a difference between the reg. and JCBO? That would help me determine if I need to go the route of the Jamaican (where's the dread emoticon when you need it :grin:)
This I can answer. JBCO is supposed to be stronger and more effective while the regular one is supposed to have been refined to a less effective dose. Make sure you're getting real JBCO though because some places just add dye to regular Castor oil and try to pull a fast one.
This I can answer. JBCO is supposed to be stronger and more effective while the regular one is supposed to have been refined to a less effective dose. Make sure you're getting real JBCO though because some places just add dye to regular Castor oil and try to pull a fast one.

JBCO i the natural castor oil. I got mine from Jamaica my SO' mom sent it to me. And its very different from the the one you can get at Sam's 24/7. Its darker and has a tronger smell. I love it. The Haitian one is the Same a the JBCO. I normally use it to seal.