Castor oil and Glover Mane?


New Member
Does anyone use castor oil and Glover's Mane together. I'm thinking about combining the two and wanted to know if anyone has done this and what where your results. Right now I do the castor oil 2-4 days and Glover's mixed with Royal Crown 1-2 times a week.
I've never mixed the two but, years ago I was trying to grow my hair back (didn't know you couldn't relax and color the same day):swearing::mad: so, I would oil w/ glovers mane and vaseline mixed and wear the phony pony's. I had a new boyfriend and after a couple of weeks and smelling the glover's mane he's like what is that smell? His friend was in the backseat and he's like it smells like the stuff we use to put on our dogs to grow their hair back when they would loose hair. I'm like this ain't for dogs it's called Glover's Mane. They both were laughing and like that is the stuff. :skitzo:I was so humiliated and I never laughed so hard. Anyway that GM grew my hair so well and I would try it again but the smell may have my co-workers mad.:nono:
I went ahead amd mixed a small jar I'll try that out for a couple of days next week I have a graduation and dinner this week end and don't need any funny looks.:look: Working on my Leela James thing :lachen: