Cassia/Henna - what am I doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies -

I just did my 2nd cassia treatment tonite, and I'm frustrated. Both times my hair has come out hard, dull and tangled. It feels awful.

The first time I just mixed the cassia with water and a little conditioner, applied it right after mixing and I left it on for about 2.5 hours. My white plastic shower comb was tinted green when I combed out my rollerset, which let me know despite all the rinsing I did, I didn't get it all out. I had to wash it again the next day.

Today I mixed it up using a lot of conditioner, evoo, castor oil and enough water to get it to a relaxer-like consistency. I let it sit for several hours, then applied it and left it on for 2 hours. I rinsed for what seemed long enough and when I shampooed with my NTM my hair felt much softer than the last time and I was getting good lather, so I figured I'd gotten it right. But when I combed out my rollerset--again I got the green-tinted comb and hard, dull, resistant tangly hair. I've got to rewash it tomorrow and all this manipulation is getting to me; I'm shedding and have a trash can FULL of hair.

What am I doing wrong? Am I leaving it on too long? I'm rinsing and lathering much longer than normal--does it take a lot more of each when using henna? I'm not sure what people mean when they say their hair feels stronger. Mine feels harder, not stronger--and after the 2nd wash, it feels about the same as before to me. Can I use a clarifying poo after henna, or does that strip it right off? There's zero shine.

I ordered henna, which I want to mix with the cassia or maybe try on its own. Might I have better results with henna, or is it just something I'm getting wrong?
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The instructions for the use of Cassia on the website say to mix the cassia with water or a fragrant tea and apply to the hair and leave it on for 1/2 hour then rinse out. You could be leaving it in too long. Are you covering your hair with plastic wrap or a henna cap? Is it the paste dried out by the time you rinse it?
I see tht you're shampooing, but no conditioner. What kind of conditioner are you using and are you using any heat when you DC? The DC really helps to soften the hair and rinse with cold water to bring out the shine.

I personally don't use a clarifying poo afterwards.
I have never used cassia but, assuming they work similarly, I think what you are missing is the post-treatment conditioning with a moisturizing conditioner. I just rinsed henna out of my hair (after sleeping with it on all nite), and am now under the dryer. I applied Tropical Avocado conditioner after the henna rinse-out, and put on a plastic cap. I stay under here 1/2 hr, then rinse. I NEVER, EVER experience dryness with henna. And my henna mix consists of heated ACV, red wine and water, 5 drops tea tree oil for added terp. After the color release, I add 1 tbsp. Avocado oil, it is very moisturizing. My hair is shiny after my henna treatments. Perhaps you can use henna WITHOUT any terp if you don't want color. Or simply add avocado oil to the cassia, and follow up w/moisturizing conditiomer like tropical avocado.

I hope this helps.

Blu217 said:
Hi ladies -

I just did my 2nd cassia treatment tonite, and I'm frustrated. Both times my hair has come out hard, dull and tangled. It feels awful.

The first time I just mixed the cassia with water and a little conditioner, applied it right after mixing and I left it on for about 2.5 hours. My white plastic shower comb was tinted green when I combed out my rollerset, which let me know despite all the rinsing I did, I didn't get it all out. I had to wash it again the next day.

Today I mixed it up using a lot of conditioner, evoo, castor oil and enough water to get it to a relaxer-like consistency. I let it sit for several hours, then applied it and left it on for 2 hours. I rinsed for what seemed long enough and when I shampooed with my NTM my hair felt much softer than the last time and I was getting good lather, so I figured I'd gotten it right. But when I combed out my rollerset--again I got the green-tinted comb and hard, dull, resistant tangly hair. I've got to rewash it tomorrow and all this manipulation is getting to me; I'm shedding and have a trash can FULL of hair.

What am I doing wrong? Am I leaving it on too long? I'm rinsing and lathering much longer than normal--does it take a lot more of each when using henna? I'm not sure what people mean when they say their hair feels stronger. Mine feels harder, not stronger--and after the 2nd wash, it feels about the same as before to me. Can I use a clarifying poo after henna, or does that strip it right off? There's zero shine.

I ordered henna, which I want to mix with the cassia or maybe try on its own. Might I have better results with henna, or is it just something I'm getting wrong?
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Thanks, ladies. I do use a plastic cap to keep the cassia moist while it's on and I'm using NTM conditioner after each wash and my Infusium leave-in as usual--but I am not DCing. I also try to rinse with coldish water--it's been cold here and the water is freezing!

I'm going to DC after my next treatment; I thought my hair felt nice and soft after washing it out and I thought I could skip that part, since I never do it normally anyway. This is not rocket science, so hopefully that's the answer!

Thanks again, ya'll.
Blu, you should try using plain yogurt in your mix. That changed my treatment totally. THe rinse is WAY better when I use it.