Carusos made my hair feel like a brillo pad


New Member
I'm clearly not doing this right. First of all, my hair looks like my grandmother. It is NOT a kute rollerset. Second, my hair which was butter soft after using humecto is now a hard brillo pad which is tangled also. It is also frizzy....maybe that's because I left it on the steamer for 7 seconds instead of 4-5. My hair looks horrible :nono: But I wanna make my carusos work cuz I would like to cowash daily and do my hair by letting :nono:my hair airdry or blow dry it on cool and use carusos to look far....this is NOT a good idea. I look like a Mushy Mushroom:sad: lol I knew I didn't wanna spend 35 on these carusos loool
You can use the end papers to sort of protect your hair from the direct wetness of the rollers/steam. Also I find that if you pop under the hooded dryer for a few seconds (or a direct blast from your regular hand held blow dryer - whichever dryer you use, put on a cool setting) it will help to set the curl.

Really when you use the carusos, use the end papers and if you choose not to use the dryer trick (which can help to set the curl in 30sec or less), then you're supposed to leave them on to set for 10 mins... That may help.
I hear endpapers help keep your ends from fluffing up... not much I know to remedy the mushroom, though.

Yea I was wondering about that...i might have to buy end papers. I love the curls though!! I just hate how it looks all together. Maybe my rollers are too small. I'ma use the jumbo onces later
You can use the end papers to sort of protect your hair from the direct wetness of the rollers/steam. Also I find that if you pop under the hooded dryer for a few seconds (or a direct blast from your regular hand held blow dryer - whichever dryer you use, put on a cool setting) it will help to set the curl.

Really when you use the carusos, use the end papers and if you choose not to use the dryer trick (which can help to set the curl in 30sec or less), then you're supposed to leave them on to set for 10 mins... That may help.

ROXIE where the heck hve you been!! I have missed you!! Check my posts!! I made a post tryna find you!! And thanx for your advice!
LOL, hey girl. Thanks for the post, how sweet. I had moved across the country, so things got REALLY HECTIC. I didn't have internet access in my new apartment, and now I finally do, so I'm back online. I'm coming out of lurker mode and posting again.

Pardon the hi-jack. Hope the Caruso tips work for you, I love my Carusos!
Hey, When I use the caruso I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use end papers! I also add either lottabody to the water or a watery type of leave in conditioner. I never pay attention to how long the roller is on the steam, always shake off, and I let the rollers set for about 40 min. Your curls should come out super soft with this method. My caruso curls have lasted for days. Especially if I pincurl the hair at night.
HTH :rolleyes: