Carolyn Gray's New Product Line


Active Member
Carolyn Gray\'s New Product Line

Looks interesting. I know many of you have tried the Healthier Hair in a Bottle, but has anyone used any of the other products in the line? This is the email I received as I'm sure some of you have also:

Dear Healthy Hair Lovers,

The staff at LCPP&S, LLC would like to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. In celebration of the holidays, we are pleased to annouce the release of the rest of the hair care products in the all-natural Healthier Hair in a Bottle! product line. You may be familiar with our Oil Spray, but now the Ends Treatment, Hot Oil Treatment and Moisturizing & Detangling Mist are now available from the Black Woman's Guide website just in time for holiday gift giving and using!

For those of you who have already ordered The Black Woman's Guide to Beautiful, Healthier Hair in 6 Weeks! The 2003 Edition, you may remember Ms. Gray describing how she uses these products in her personal regimen. These are all high-quality, reasonably-priced products, and none of them contain alcohol, petroleum, mineral oil or artificial fragrances. Visit the website today to read the label text and to order some of the finest gourmet hair care products on the market. They are sold individually and as a package (saving you close to 20%).

Speaking of savings, in case you haven't already ordered your copy of The Black Woman's Guide to Beautiful, Healthier Hair in 6 Weeks! The 2003 Edition

You can save $2 off the price of the book through the holidays! Just in time for gift giving! So be sure to visit Also, be sure to request vol. 7 of the Black Hair Advocate, "Overprocessed & Blue, Don't Let It Happen to You!" newsletter as you visit our site (there has also been a new picture added to our pictures section in honor of this newsletter).

We wish you a safe and prosperous New Year, and we will continue to work in the coming year to provide even more products and services specifically for the empowerment of black women everywhere!

Happy Holidays & God Bless,
The Staff @ LCPP&S, LLC

If there is a post already please direct me to it. Her package deals on the website look great!
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s New Product Line

Do we have any followers of CG hair regime??? I've been through her site and am definitely interested...

I must admit, the fact that she sells her own products turns me off. I don't know why though.
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s New Product Line


Her own product line is a recent development. She's been doing this hair thing and giving hair advice way before her product line. In fact, if you read her first book--it is more than obvious that she is a PJ
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s New Product Line

I ordered the $30 kit.
I needed some more HHIB, anyway...

It bugs me when hair book authors sell their own products, too. It's in the best interest of their pockets to tell the readers whatever will move the products. But I don't get the "using these products is the only way you'll ever have long, healthy hair" vibe from Carolyn Gray, Pamela Ferrell or Lisa Akbari. They all admit to using other products. Ferrell even sells some on her site. In Gray's new book, she offers alternatives to her line.
She's willing to acknowledge the fact that one product isn't going to work for everyone. Off the top of my head, I remember she said Vaseline or marcel wax are alternatives to the HHIB Ends Treatment. IIRC, she says you can use olive oil instead the HHIB Spray...
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s New Product Line

I like her style. She pushes her products yes, however, she also recommends other products as well. For example, if you do not have HHIAB she suggest using WGO in which she gives props to this company. I say more power to her.
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s New Product Line

i followed ms gray's regimen for a year and was very happy with the results i received. i still use many of the products that were listed in her 1st was my first regimen really before finding this board.
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s New Product Line

shinyblackhair said:
I must admit, the fact that she sells her own products turns me off. I don't know why though.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I was gonna ask why it turns you off, but I see you said you dont know. But I wanted to say don't let that stray you.

Even if she recommends altneratives like I know some mentioned she suggested use just Olive Oil as an alternative to the HHIB, but is that gonna get the same result?? I would'nt think so. So I feel she is doing a disservice to the customer not say her product is "better" than just using Olive Oil, right?

Anybody that's marketing something should have faith in thier own product. If you don't think your product is this best, why should I buy it...

That's what selling is all about . It's not use this or nothing else, It's you can use other things (which we all know we can, that goes without saying) But you may not get the best results.

The thing to be weary of is false promises or "to good to be true" stuff

The other thing is yes Supergirl she is obviously a PJ
She recommends ALOT of products and you can't recommend something you did'nt try yourself.

Most people like me try to stick to the tried and true so I would'nt be able to recommend anything else.