Carolyn Gray's method?


New Member
Carolyn Gray\'s method?

I tried to find her new book at Barnes & Noble with no luck. I just wanted to skim it to get an idea of her method. Does anyone know what the basics of it are?
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s method?

she basically split the regimine into six weeks.
Generally she wanted u to rotate using a good moisturizing shampoo (i.e KeraCare) followed by a good creme conditioner (i.e Fantasia's Aloe Therapy) and a mix of leave in conditioners of your choice including a setting lotion of your choice. Drying methods were airdrying with use of carouso curlers to give curl if desired. Daily moisturizing was also suggested she promoted Wild growth.
I started her method 6 weeks post my relaxer and noticed that my hair was much stronger when I relaxed at 12 weeks.
I think the deep conditioning and air drying was the trick.