Carolyn Gray's Book


Well-Known Member
Carolyn Gray\'s Book

Anyone have a copy of her book? Can you give me a brief synposis?

Much Appreciated
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s Book

Well...I used to have her E-book. Someone emailed it to me, but I deleted it once I saw that she basically does the same things I already do. Her book just re-affirms that what I'm doing works. Also, it's the same things we do on this site. Plus she keeps changing and adding to her regimen (as she learns more) so even if you buy or read her book (I think she's coming out with a second edition too)anything you read is going to change. For example, if you go to her site, she now says she's doing conditioner washes. Well this is nothing new to any of us. lol!

Anyway, it's a 6 week regimen where she mostly uses regular products you can find at any BSS, like Wild Growth Oil for one. She shampoos and conditions, uses no heat, uses to ponytail method to dry her hair, and wears buns for protective styling. She also talks about relaxing her hair every 8 weeks. Now...she waits for 12. Oh! And she doesn't wear protective styles as much now.
Good read for a novice, but redundant for most of the ladies here...IMO.

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Re: Carolyn Gray\'s Book

Thanks for the head up. Maybe if I go to the library I can borrow with out buying.
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s Book

You're welcome and Happy Birthday!
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s Book

I'd like to read a copy, too. I tried to order a copy once, but by then, it was already out of publication. Her hair is lovely. I e-mailed her once, and she came across as a genuinely nice person who wants to share what she has learned with others.
Re: Carolyn Gray\'s Book

According to her website, you can get the downloadable version of her old book for free if you email her. The new book is not out yet.