Carol's Daughter


Well-Known Member
Carol\'s Daughter

Hello, I'm new here!! Has anyone tried any of her products?? I only have her mimosa hair honey which I love. I use it on my hair and my son's. I wouldn't mind trying more of her hair products.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter


I currently use the healthy hair butter and love it. We have a long thread on Carol Daughter products. Click on the link below.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter

One of my hair buddies sent me a good size sample of Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk and Carol’s Daughter Some of Marguerite’s Magic. I've tried the Marguerite's Magic, and I love that stuff. I haven't tried the Hair Milk yet. I'm going to use the Hair Milk when I straighten my hair (since HairLove used it this way). I tried the Healthy Hair Butter a few years back. I wasn't pleased with it (probably because I got the chunky version instead of the creamy version). HTH.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter

I really love CD Hair Butter. It doesn't matter to me if it's creamy or chunky because both work wonderfully on my hair. I ordered a small bottle of CD Hair Milk last month just to see how it works and now I love that too.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter


That miimosa hair honey is exactly what I want for christmas
. I was looking and someone's pics the other day, and that stuff gave such a shine, I was very impressed. I also would like to try the healthy hair butter, especially to see how it would work on my new growth between touch ups.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter

I love the Healthy Hair Butter, Some of Marguerite's Magic, Mimosa Hair Honey, and the Hair Milk. These are the only 4 that I've tried! I'm trying my best not to try anything else b/c shipping just sucks!