Carols Daughter Products?


New Member
Hello, I am a newbie to this site. I had shoulder length hair years ago when i was a kid but i had relaxed hair and swimming in chlorine pools. I have never reached that length sense:nono:. I am a 4bish hair type and recently began using carols daughter products...and advice for products of regimen tips for a girl determined for some length again:grin:!!!!
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Hello, I am a newbie to this site. I had shoulder length hair years ago when i was a kid but i had relaxed hair and swimming in chlorine pools. I have never reached that length sense:nono:. I am a 4bish hair type and recently began using carols daughter products...and advice for products of regimen tips for a girl determined for some length again:grin:!!!!

I dont personally think carol's daughter is all that great, especially for the price
Hi and welcome to the forum

Well...well....well lets get started here is an example of a Regimen or it can be a starter for you like a guide I will put some products in to give you an example of some good products to use. You just fill in the actual products you are going to use on your list at home.

Prepoo: exp: ORS mayonnaise or an oil
"find a recipe or oil that you may want to DC your hair b4 your big wash".

Shampoo: exp: Kera Care,Aubrey Organics,Aveda or Con's
"Find a good moisturizing shampoo and also know how often you will want to wash your hair a week and also throw a little CW in there".

Condt: exp: Kera Care hemecto,Nexxus hemectant or Miss keys
"Find one that'll give you a great slip and also that'll leave your hair strong and moisturized and healthy."

DC: "You can either find a new one or you can use the same one but just leave this on longer like 45mins or whatever you prefer."

Protein treatment:exp: Aphoghee
"Depending on the condition on your hair you will determine how often you will use this but just make sure you use this after every relaxer to put the protein back in your hair".

Leave in condt: exp: Lacio Lacio or Salerm 21
"Try to find one that will leave your hair w/ a silky healthy look when your hair is finish drying."

Method of drying: exp: rollersets, flexi rod,curlformers
"Figure out if you want to use heat or no heat, less munipulation is a plus it helps w/more growth and retains length."

Moisturizer: exp: shea butter, Cantu daily moisturizer
"Find one that will leave your hair quinche meaning that wont dry your hair out but leave it condition and moist."

Oils: exp: EVOO,jajoba, amla and there are many more:yep:
"if you decide to use oils try to make a mix or you can use them alone they are good for alot of things ecsp. growth stimulation."

Protective style: exp: Bantu knots,braids,buns,wigs etc..etc
"find one that will be easy for you to do and manage and will help protect those tresses.

Hopes this helps
I love love love the mimosa hair honey for me and my daughters hair. For me it aids in my lovely twist outs, for her it helps to smooth her hair when doing pony tails and also aids in lovely twistouts :yep:
hate to be another naysayer for carol's duaghter, but one of my natural friends use to use those products and she says that since they've began being manufactured the quality of the ingredients, functions, and executions of the products has greatly declined. i.e. the products are watered down and dont work as well as they used to when they first came out. she doesn't use them anymore. i wanted to start using them as well and she only suggested the hair balm, i think. she said they others weren't really too different from anything else on the market. hope i didnt burst ur bubble :nono:
Welcome to LHCF! :wave:

I tried CD products a long time ago and wasn't impressed. There are plenty of other natural brands with better prices and products that are far superior to hers (,,,, to name a few)

For a regimen,try to keep simple. Being a newbie, it's really easy to get sucked into trying everything that everyone's doing, and all that is is a MAJOR waste of money (speaking from experience here :ohwell: ) Start out by washing and deep conditioning your hair once or twice a week. Moisturize daily, wear protective styles, don't use direct heat more than once a month, and start stretching your relaxers. HTH!

You'll love it here, be prepared to be stuck to the computer for HOURS at a time! :lol:
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Hi...welcome to the hair boards... :wave: I tried Carol's Daughter's products and love them all.

I bought them during the Christmas Holiday 2007 when they were giving away free product with purchase.

Prepoo: I use any Hot Oil as a pre-poo ( I am currently using Ayurvedic oils). but I use CD Hair Elixir on my daughter's hair or the CD Tui Oil with a warm towel for 15 minutes, I very rarely do a pre-poo treamtment...too lazy.

Shampoo: CD Rosemary Mint herbal shampoo with sea moss (for dry hair) is my detangles very well.

Condtioner: Not sure if she makes one... I conditioner wash our hair with Daily defense tender apple which has been discontinued.

Deep conditioner: I only use ORS Replenishing pak not Carol's Daughter.

Protein treatment: My hair hates I don't use one.

Leave in conditioner: CD Vanilla Leave-in is great on my daughter's hair.. very light.

Moisturizer: CD Healthy Hair butter or CD Hair milk or CD Marguerites magic,

Oil: CD Tui oil is my favorite.. smells great, she has another oil that also smells great.

other stuff... my favorite products are the CD Mimosa Hair honey and the CD Hair Balm. The Hair honey keeps the frizzes at bay and he hair balm makes my hair soooo soft.

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I like the CD's hair butter. They used to have a 16oz jar, but since the management has changed, they now sell the 8oz at a slightly higher price. I find that is the best product for my hair.

When my hair is wet, I put the butter on and let it air dry. My hair is shiny and soft when it dries. That is the only butter that I've used so far that has done that with my hair. And it's like that for about 2-3 days.
CD Rosemary Mint herbal shampoo with sea moss (for dry hair) is my detangles very well.
I used to LOVE this but have found that Walgreen's BioInfusion Rosemary Mint Shampoo & Conditioner equally impressive and much cheaper

Leave in conditioner: CD Vanilla Leave-in is great on my daughter's hair.. very light.
I just simply fell in love with the smell of this... and though someone here once suggested a recipe to get the same effect, I havent found it to be true... I didnt find any super conditioning properties to this but the smell is DIVINE
Thank you to all providing feedback good or bad. I am just looking for one line of products that I can stick with and see results. Thanxs again and keep the tips coming!!
Thank you to all providing feedback good or bad. I am just looking for one line of products that I can stick with and see results. Thanxs again and keep the tips coming!!

Ive never been able to fidn 1 line that suits all my needs...

a leave in conditioner from one, a DC in another... a sheen product from another

I dont even use "matching" shampoo and conditioners
hate to be another naysayer for carol's duaghter, but one of my natural friends use to use those products and she says that since they've began being manufactured the quality of the ingredients, functions, and executions of the products has greatly declined. i.e. the products are watered down and dont work as well as they used to when they first came out. she doesn't use them anymore. i wanted to start using them as well and she only suggested the hair balm, i think. she said they others weren't really too different from anything else on the market. hope i didnt burst ur bubble :nono:

Cosigning. I used to go get those products when Lisa Price was making them in her Brooklyn brownstone. I stopped using them waaaay before they went big. They are played out IMO.
Thank you to all providing feedback good or bad. I am just looking for one line of products that I can stick with and see results. Thanxs again and keep the tips coming!!
I personally like the products from The proprietress is a member of this board and has amazing butt length hair!

Check out her site!