Carol's Daughter Mimosa Honey


New Member
Hi everyone,

I went into a Sephora today because I saw they were selling Carol's Daughter products...I've read up about them but hadn't purchased anything because I wanted to see and feel the products for myself. So anywhoz, I bought the 4 oz. bottle of the Mimosa Honey. I was comtemplating between that and the Healthy Hair Butter, but I liked the way the Mimosa Honey felt. When I rubbed some into my hand, it seemed very moisturizing, so I hope it works.

Has anyone tried it and liked or disliked it? Why/why not? Also, how do you use it? Does it work better for you on wet or dry hair? I'm planning on using it when I wash my hair this weekend, so I need some tips on how to use it.

Thanks ladies!
I have not tried the mimosa because I don't know what it's for! Heehee. It looks and feels like grease to me.

I use the Healthy Hair butter. I looove it. So moisturizing and thick. Perfect for leave in moisture after washing. And only a LITTLE is needed. Too much weighs it down, but at least you will have super soft, frizz free, well-moisturized hair.

I also LOOVE the hair milk for daily moisture. Same as the hair butter but creamier and lighter. Only have to use a little of that too. I've been using the same (big) bottle for two months and it's only half empty. My hair butter has been around since april and there's a little less than half of that left as well.

Let me know how you like the mimosa and what you do with it.

Chime in ladies, I'm a total PJ and I would love to try this out if anyone has any good uses for it.
I had a 2oz jar of the mimosa for a looong time-I was half way through it when I decided to just give it away. I did not find that I used it that often. it works better for just straight shine for me-and yes, it is like grease consistency. I liked the smell and the fact that it imparted shine, but I found I needed something thicker (like shea butter) for my hair for everyday styling.
Haven't used the mimosa but have used (and still use) the healthy hair butter which i love. and a little does go a long way.
I haven't tried her hair products outside of the Tui Oil. I got the oil based on the LHCF recommendation. The members were right, Tui oil is good for scenting you hair but not for shine. Thanks for starting this thread.
I use it and I love it. It does give a nice shine. I even use it in my daughter's hair. I love the smell and the consistency is very light. You need very little so it lasts a long time.
I've used it on and off for five yeas. It fine but I don't like it any better than Organic Root Stimulator Lock and twist gel...
I use it mainly for shine and the scent, it wasn't very moisturizing for my 4a hair. For moisture, I would definitely recommend her Healthy Hair Butter, my hair was so out for the scent though, some people love it (me!) while others can't stand it.
Thanks ladies! maybe I shouldve gotten the Healthy Hair Butter. I think I'll use the Mimosa Honey for my roots in front and at my nape cuz the new growth there sometimes looks dry, and I need something to kinda smooth it out.
I LOOOOVE Mimosa Hair Honey! The smell is yummy and it lasts a long time BUT I use it WITH the Healthy Hair Butter.....I use HHB first for moisture/condition and then use the Hair Honey to seal and for shine...the combo is wonderful! I do that all throughout my hair when I first wash (after my leave-in & detangler) and then I use additional Hair Honey throughout the week to help slick edges and my kitchen. I use both for bunning and for twist well :D The only other product I need to get me through the week is a little castor oil to keep my edges thick. HTH

My advice: Keep the Mimosa...but go by the HHB too....

I plan to try the Hair Milk and Margurites Magic as well...Carols Daughter makes my hair happy :)
I love me some Mimosa Hair Honey! It smells sooo good! I only have to use a little bit to get my hair moisturized too. My only problem is that it costs $9.50, which is a little much. But, it definitely is a keeper!
At first I didn't like the Mimosa Hair Honey. But I tried it again this morning before class and I like it now. The key is to use a VERY small amount.
natstar said:
I had a 2oz jar of the mimosa for a looong time-I was half way through it when I decided to just give it away. I did not find that I used it that often. it works better for just straight shine for me-and yes, it is like grease consistency. I liked the smell and the fact that it imparted shine, but I found I needed something thicker (like shea butter) for my hair for everyday styling.

same here, except I still have my jar