Carol's Daughter is shipping products for free!!!


New Member
Carol\'s Daughter is shipping products for free!!!

I was JUST sent this email, you ladies may want to take advantage!

Dear Customer:
We are writing to apologize for the technical difficulties
your experiencing with our website. Our hosting is working
to resolve the trouble as soon as possible. In consideration for
the inconvenience, we are extending "Free Shipping Friday"
one more day. Orders placed on Saturday will also receive free shipping.

Thank you for your patience and understanding
Re: Carol\'s Daughter is shipping products for free!!!

Ohhhh, please post the website so i can go see what they have
Do you know if any of their products are good at making hair glossy? TIA--jainygirl
Re: Carol\'s Daughter is shipping products for free!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the info! This will be my first order with them thanks to the Free Shipping.
Re: Carol\'s Daughter is shipping products for free!!! it just me or can you not see any of the products that she has available for sale? I know it said they were having site difficulties, but you can't place an order ...

Or is it just me?
Re: Carol\'s Daughter is shipping products for free!!!

I think it should be fixed tomorrow, so they are allowing free shipping then. I am mad, I just ordered some stuff about 5 days ago....oh, well!
Re: Carol\'s Daughter is shipping products for free!!!

Ahhh - makes sense. Note to self....order CD products tomorrow.

Thanks curtrece! Nothing makes an online order feel like a real live bargain like free shipping!