Carol's Daughter Branch stores - Rip Off?


New Member
Hey ladies!
I've been anxiously planning to start purchasing Carol's daughter products. Since I wont be going to NY like I planned this weekend, I decided to go to one of the local salons that sells her products.

So I went to this Natural Salon on South st. They had everything nicely displayed, helpful people there (the stylists). Since I already marked off what I wanted in the catalog that they send out each month or so, I just looked for those things.

I picked the
- Ylang Ylang & Patchouli gentle face wash - 2oz $6.00
- Rose and Chamomile toner - 80z $16
- Face Butter - 2oz $8.00
- Avocado and almond scrub - 4oz $10.
- Lip Butter - 1/2 oz - $5.50

Now u do the math, how much is that? $45.50 right?
So yuh girl is up at the counter all confident ready to pay...

DO you know what this man tells me? $82.00 :eek: :eek:
I was like huh? how come? did you ring up something extra?
He pushes the screen over and I see and it still doesnt make sense..
Do you know what he says?
' These are the prices WITH SHIPPING AND HANDLING!':eek: :eek:

I was not impressed!! :mad: :mad:

So of course I put a couple things back, and he's like ' this is a specialty product, blah blah blah. SO I told him if I take the bus with a return ticket to NY it's still cheaper than that. So he's looking at me like I'm a sorry ass and I'm cheap :lol:

I still just took the wash, toner and face butter and still ended up paying $35.31

I think that's a real frigging RIP OFF!!
Shipping and Handling???

You say you were at the South Street Seaport. You might as well have jumped on the train a few stops to Brooklyn and went to HER store.

ETA: Ooops, please disregard my post. I missed that part that said "Since I wont be going to NY" :laugh:

mental note: learn to read posts thoroughly...
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My sentiments exactly! I coulda just walked a few blocks up and across downtown Philly and gone to frigging Harlem or Brooklyn for the stuff and STILL saved money.
I think they should add that important piece of information to their catalogs when they advertise. I KNEW it was too good to be true!
trinidarkie1 said:
My sentiments exactly! I coulda just walked a few blocks up and across downtown Philly and gone to frigging Harlem or Brooklyn for the stuff and STILL saved money.
I think they should add that important piece of information to their catalogs when they advertise. I KNEW it was too good to be true!

Oh ok well then if a trip like that is nothing to you, I guess you could have done that. I forget how close NY and Philly really are :lol:

Shame on them for sneaking that in...her products are expensive enough.
You still bought stuff??? He would have gotten the finger on that one (and I'm not like that! lol) Live and learn...but he's crazy. They aren't that specialty. He's definitely getting over on his customers...
I don't understand this. Why are they charging shipping and handling? You went into the store and picked it up yourself. If it was me, everything would have been left at the counter.
so1913 said:
You still bought stuff??? He would have gotten the finger on that one (and I'm not like that! lol) Live and learn...but he's crazy. They aren't that specialty. He's definitely getting over on his customers...

ITA...He is getting over like crazy! U might as well have went to NY...
That's INSANE!!! You don't have a Sephora nearby? I hate to patronize shops where they clearly try to take advantage of you.
Thats crazy!!! U had to pay s&h for something you walked into the place and bought? Oh hell no. Teef!!!
Yeah, I am not understanding this. How are you paying for shipping when you went into the store yourself and picked it up? Is he making the customers pay for his shipping costs? That must be it.
poetist said:
That's INSANE!!! You don't have a Sephora nearby? I hate to patronize shops where they clearly try to take advantage of you.

I heard that the actual Sephora stores weren't selling it, and that it is just avail on-line?

Anyone seen CD at any of the Sephora locations?
Wow, for that extra $37, I could've gotten the products from the original store, caught the Chinatown bus roundtrip to Philly ($20), bought a cheesesteak and a soda (let's say $10) and still brought you change. I think you should call Carol's Daughter in Brooklyn and let her know about this nonsense.
BK Bombshell said:
Wow, for that extra $37, I could've gotten the products from the original store, caught the Chinatown bus roundtrip to Philly ($20), bought a cheesesteak and a soda (let's say $10) and still brought you change. I think you should call Carol's Daughter in Brooklyn and let her know about this nonsense.

That's my plan. I am going to call Customer Service to find out about this.
Well I called the Brooklyn store and the guy told me that that doesnt sound kosher at all. He says I cant talk to Customer SErvice until Monday.
wait till this, I'm gonna be up under them like fire!
That doesn't sound right at all. If you purchase more than $75 from CD the shipping is free and I am sure he gets a big discount even if he does pay for shipping. Plus he probably gets a %10 discount if he is a member. Yeah I smell a rip off.
I called CD today and spoke with a Customer Service rep. She said that they are wholesalers and are not affiliated with them. They just sell the products so those are his prices.
So yes he and his woman are getting over on people by doing this.
I would think that after they purchase wholesale they'd still save some money and get some kinda profit.
Carol Daughter's products aren't ALL that. I used to go to her brownstone BACK in the day.... I don't use any of her stuff now.
That's terrible. :ohwell: I've purchased CD's products at a local store and they charged me the regular prices. There may have been a couple of dollars in difference, but nothing major. The store is called Cranky Princess in Stone Mountain.

eta: Well, since you're paying for shipping and handling anyway, in the future I would just order it directly and it least you'll know the products are "fresh" and haven't been sitting on the shelf forever.
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Report his butt to the Better Business Bureau...then the state attorney general's office.
And call a tv station's consumer hotline for good measure.

And don't buy from this ripoff artist again...I would have let him know how far I would have put those products up his money-grubbing rear. THEN he could charge me for shipping and handling! :lachen:
DDtexlaxd said:
You're good, cause I wouldn't have brought anything from him. He sounds shady.:sekret:

I agree. I would have first told him how ridiculous it is to buy something in a store and then get charged shipping and handling. I would have told him he should be paying me. I would have put all of those products back. What a rip off.
I know right. I should have, but the reason I bought something is the reason why he is still in business. Because he is providing a product that is not found in a regular store, location and accessibility.

I'll be busing it to NYC in the future.
wow...that's insane!!!! i would be livid! definitely a rip off! Sephora does currently sell carol's daughter products..i'm not sure whether or not they sell all of their products but they definitely sell some. In the future I would definintely go to NYC and purchase from the actual Carol's daughter store in Brooklyn there is also one in Harlem I believe...I always go to the one in Brooklyn which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
It’s not unusual—and most stores do this—to pass off shipping, taxes, and operating fees to customers above and beyond the “worth” of the product. :ohwell: If the dealer did not order a large bulk of CD items, then it is possible *expressing some doubt* his pricing was legit in order to make a tidy profit for himself, pay his lease, employees, shipping, etc. That’s why items shipped directly from the manufacturer are often cheaper than buying them in-store—this cuts the infamous “middle men”.

I rarely buy anything in stores nowadays without pricing it out at several locations because retailers can price items almost anyway they want to. Even worse, the product has been marked up so many times by the time it reaches retail because of the “middle men”, you pay more than twice it’s worth!!! :eek: :eek:

Unfortunately, there is very little the consumer can do about it but lodge a complaint never buy from them again. Hopefully a boycott of this shyster and a call from the BBB is a wake up call for him and other retailers. There should be more government controls on resale! :mad:
I Dont think I can return and I dont want to. I will just buy enough at an NYC store so that I wont have to go there again. Or just pay the shipping and get it over with.

The CD face butter is meant to be used within 6 months. I guess it's that perishable because they dont parabens in them. So I am glad I just bought the 2oz.
trinidarkie1 said:
Hey ladies!
I've been anxiously planning to start purchasing Carol's daughter products. Since I wont be going to NY like I planned this weekend, I decided to go to one of the local salons that sells her products.

So I went to this Natural Salon on South st. They had everything nicely displayed, helpful people there (the stylists). Since I already marked off what I wanted in the catalog that they send out each month or so, I just looked for those things.

I picked the
- Ylang Ylang & Patchouli gentle face wash - 2oz $6.00
- Rose and Chamomile toner - 80z $16
- Face Butter - 2oz $8.00
- Avocado and almond scrub - 4oz $10.
- Lip Butter - 1/2 oz - $5.50

Now u do the math, how much is that? $45.50 right?
So yuh girl is up at the counter all confident ready to pay...

DO you know what this man tells me? $82.00 :eek: :eek:
I was like huh? how come? did you ring up something extra?
He pushes the screen over and I see and it still doesnt make sense..
Do you know what he says?
' These are the prices WITH SHIPPING AND HANDLING!':eek: :eek:

I was not impressed!! :mad: :mad:

So of course I put a couple things back, and he's like ' this is a specialty product, blah blah blah. SO I told him if I take the bus with a return ticket to NY it's still cheaper than that. So he's looking at me like I'm a sorry ass and I'm cheap :lol:

I still just took the wash, toner and face butter and still ended up paying $35.31

I think that's a real frigging RIP OFF!!

That's not even right!!!If it's the salon that I think you're talking about
that caters to the celebrities they have a lot of nerve!! I'm glad you posted this. I will be avoiding that shop when I am down on South Street.