Care Free Curl Gold? -- What Relief is there for people who don't like glycerine?


New Member
I tried the carefree curl gold today. Felt ok until a few hours later, then I felt like my scalp was almost on fire. My hair also felt hard and not super moisturized. I had a bad case of the itchies!

Has anyone had this problem with carefree curl gold? So far I have had this problem with unbraid spreay, lusters s-curl and now this.

What can ladies whose hair hates glycerine use on their hair? I had been using Elasta QP recovery but it contains mineral oil, and i was thinking of using Cathy Howse's creme moisturizer but it is expensive.

Any suggestions? TIA.
Have you tried ORS Carrot Oil, I bought some the other day and it's very moisturizing.
sassygirl125 said:
Check these threads--

Thread 1
Thread 2

Irresistible's daughter had a severe reaction to the glycerin in either curl activator or a braid spray.

Thank you, this was very helpful. I have very dry hair, so I guess I am now back to square one as far as finding a good moisturizer that won't irritate my scalp :(.
Have you tried any of these?

Dudley’s PCA Moisture Retainer, SheaMoisture, Elasta QP Recovery, All Ways Instant Oil Moisturizer, Biosysthesis PHinish or BB Castor Oil Lotion, ABBA Nourishing Leave-On Moisturizer for Hair & Skin, Empress Moisturizing Retainer (cheaper version of Dudley's PCA, IMO), Salerm 21, Lacio Lacio, Beauty Without Cruelty Revitalize Leave-In Conditioner, Giovanni Direct Leave-In, Razac (the liquid), Motions Oil Moisturizer Lotion, Fantasia Leave-In w/ Aloe, Frizz Ease Wind Down Relaxing Cream, Frizz Ease Secret Weapon, Physique Frizz Control Curl Cream.

Have you tried misting your hair with distilled or spring water and then applying a natural oil or butter like jojoba, shea, avocado, olive, sal, etc.?

And there always good ol' grease and water. It works for a lot of people. Most of my family members do this and they have long hair. Heffas. :evil:


Wild Growth Hair Oil applied to my freshly shampooed hair kept my relaxed hair moisturized for DAYS! :up: A better smelling alternative is Aphogee EFA Oil.
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sassygirl125 said:
Have you tried any of these?

Dudley’s PCA Moisture Retainer, SheaMoisture, Elasta QP Recovery, All Ways Instant Oil Moisturizer, Biosysthesis PHinish or BB Castor Oil Lotion, ABBA Nourishing Leave-On Moisturizer for Hair & Skin, Empress Moisturizing Retainer (cheaper version of Dudley's PCA, IMO), Salerm 21, Lacio Lacio, Beauty Without Cruelty Revitalize Leave-In Conditioner, Giovanni Direct Leave-In, Razac (the liquid), Motions Oil Moisturizer Lotion, Fantasia Leave-In w/ Aloe, Frizz Ease Wind Down Relaxing Cream, Frizz Ease Secret Weapon, Physique Frizz Control Curl Cream.

Have you tried misting your hair with distilled or spring water and then applying a natural oil or butter like jojoba, shea, avocado, olive, sal, etc.?

And there always good ol' grease and water. It works for a lot of people. Most of my family members do this and they have long hair. Heffas. :evil:


Wild Growth Hair Oil applied to my freshly shampooed hair kept my relaxed hair moisturized for DAYS! :up: A better smelling alternative is Aphogee EFA Oil.

I am thinking of staying away from Cathy Howse because of the expense and hassle of buying her products and because she has a bad attitude. Here is my response to your question:

Dudley’s PCA Moisture Retainer: no (no mean I have not tried it from here on in)
SheaMoisture: Its good, but it leaves build up on my hair -- it doesn't melt easily. The good thing about it is that it does not disagree with my hair, even though it has glycerin (way down on the list)
Elasta QP Recovery -- this moisturizes my hair but it has mineral oil and my hair itches when I use this. It also gets greasy after a while
All Ways Instant Oil Moisturizer -- no, at least not recently
Salerm 21 and Lacio Lacio -- they does not agree with my hair for some reason. People say that it leaves their hair soft. Not me. I have the same reaction to it as I do to glycerin.
Fantasia Leave-In w/ Aloe -- dries out and hardens my hair something fierce!
No to all the rest of the products.

What to do? I think I must have the most finicky hair of everyone on this board :(