Care Free Curl Gold for Wash and Wear?


Well-Known Member
Wildflower used this product for her wash and wear look in her ablum except I dont know which exact one she used (shes offline). I have the Instant Activator with Silk Moisturisers, does anyone know if this particular product will produce slight waves/curls on freshly washed hair?
I tried using it for a wash 'n go last summer, and my hair dried very soft, but "fuzzy"... try using a gel and/or something else (like maybe Dream Curls spray) over it.
Im assuming this can be done bc I use S curl on my braidouts sometimes and it makes them more moist and gives them more definition...

I may have to try it for wash n wear but Ive yet to find the right combo of products to eliminate frizz so I dont look a braidout comes out much neater looking. I have yet to conquer wash n go, mine looks more like
Thank you ladies, keep those responses coming in.

Lindy, is your hair normally 'fuzzy' anyway? Mine isnt, Im just wondering if it would have the same effect. Did you apply it every day? How long did the look last?
If your looking for some wash and wear help with a bit of hold, try the Care Free Curl Lite Gel activator. I hope it works if your decide to use it.
lonei said:
Lindy, is your hair normally 'fuzzy' anyway? Mine isnt, Im just wondering if it would have the same effect. Did you apply it every day? How long did the look last?

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No, I wouldn't say so... Actually, if I airdry my hair w/o any products in it, yes, it is fuzzy.
The CFC Gold just made it a "soft fuzzy"

No, I just used it for the one day. I wet it again that same night and did something else with it. I def. didn't want to wear that look again the next day!!