I did cut it, but it's growing back. It seemed to me that the ends were a little too thin for what I was trying to acheive. I cut it back to shoulder length back around the beginning of Novemeber, and now it's to where my shoulder blades are.... and it's thick all the way to the ends. Some of the things I learned were thinning my ends were brushing it into a wrap everynight and using Motions foam wrap lotion -which made my hair too CRUNCHY and difficult to comb thru after a set and that led to breakage. But I'm back on the right track. I was also getting very HAIR OBSESSED and cutting it got me back in check, that healthy hair is more important than long hair. I will post some pics eventually... I've just been lazy. I have no problem emailing a pic of how short I cut my hair, just PM me your email address.... /images/graemlins/grin.gif