Cantu now has a relaxer out...


Well-Known Member
I saw this in the BSS earlier and thought I'd share. I've used some of the Cantu Shea Butter products and was pleased. Everything smells so yummy! :lick: I just noticed today that they added a relaxer to the line. I'm not relaxed anymore but if I was, I'd try it out.


Check out the website at:
I saw that relaxer at Walmart for $6.88 and I should have bought it. I really like the leavein repair cream and bought the oil moisturizer, break cure, and grow stong treatments this morning:sekret:
I was looking for another daily moisturizer and saw this in the BSS yesterday. I didn't remember reading any reviews on it so I passed....:wallbash::wallbash: danggit now I am off to get it!
I saw this in the BSS earlier and thought I'd share. I've used some of the Cantu Shea Butter products and was pleased. Everything smells so yummy! :lick: I just noticed today that they added a relaxer to the line. I'm not relaxed anymore but if I was, I'd try it out.


Check out the website at:

I bought this relaxer for the same reaons, but it is not worth trying, IMHO. In a word, it sux. It also burns and irritates the scalp.
Everyone, check out the other post by another person who said that not only did their scalp burn and not process but I think her daughters hair had the same response to this product.

I believe that posters name is Cali Fit?

Do some more research. I would suggest waiting and checking the others sites to see if others have the same response. So far it looks like three people have tried and and have had burns.

That is not worth testing on anyones head or hair IMO.
Here's the link to the thread discussing issues with the Cantu relaxer.

Everyone, check out the other post by another person who said that not only did their scalp burn and not process but I think her daughters hair had the same response to this product.

I believe that posters name is Cali Fit?

Do some more research. I would suggest waiting and checking the others sites to see if others have the same response. So far it looks like three people have tried and and have had burns.

That is not worth testing on anyones head or hair IMO.