Can't stop touching my hair!


Well-Known Member
The biggest problem I have with twist is that their so nice feeling that I have to feel them all the time. It's mostly just squishing them and shaking them out so they move more. But I loooove my texture. And I have an awesome flow. I can't really touch my hair any other time without messing up the style.

But I wonder if that's the reason I shed more when I take them out. After bunning I only get a few strands. Is touching my hair causing problems?
I used to be that way about my hair but I have learned to just leave my hair alone. I only touch my hair when I style it or wash it.
I wear twists and buns most frequently. When I bun I re-do the bun every morning, so I shed hair daily. When I twist I don't comb or otherwise go through the hair except on wash day, so I have seven days' worth of shed hair that I haven't gotten out. It ends up being the same amount. I'd hazard a guess that that's the reason that you're getting more shedding with twists than buns.