Can't Decide!


New Member
So i want to try out silk for my next relaxer, and i'm broke :wallbash: . I've read a lot of the silk threads. but now i cant decide between buying:

Straight up silk amino acids from lotioncrafters (which has a 12.50 order annoying, btw is there a lhcf discount code for 2009?)


Lacio Lacio (which i have but am running out of, I use it when i flat iron and i cant tell if it really does anything or not.. but i'm scared to find out lol because i like how my hair turns out.)


Try Chi silk infuson (which i dont like the smell of, and have never tried, and is more expensive.... so i'm not really that into trying it except for the good reviews i've heard.)

I'm leaning toward Lacio Lacio just because i like how my hair comes out when i use it, and it has fewer cones than Chi silk infusion. But i'd like to have the Silk amino acids too to add to random stuff, but i dont want to order a little and then order random things just to fulfill the minimum or order a lot and risk not loving it. :perplexed

:spinning: What would you do?

ps: i dont want to buy any silk powders, because liquid form will be easier to mix into stuff.
I used Silk Amino Acids, and yes it's pricey, but I liked that better than using Chi silk infusion, so I would say go with the Silk Amino Acids from lotioncrafters....I know money is tight, but it's worth having IMO.......HTH!
So i want to try out silk for my next relaxer, and i'm broke :wallbash: . I've read a lot of the silk threads. but now i cant decide between buying:

Straight up silk amino acids from lotioncrafters (which has a 12.50 order annoying, btw is there a lhcf discount code for 2009?)


Lacio Lacio (which i have but am running out of, I use it when i flat iron and i cant tell if it really does anything or not.. but i'm scared to find out lol because i like how my hair turns out.)


Try Chi silk infuson (which i dont like the smell of, and have never tried, and is more expensive.... so i'm not really that into trying it except for the good reviews i've heard.)

I'm leaning toward Lacio Lacio just because i like how my hair comes out when i use it, and it has fewer cones than Chi silk infusion. But i'd like to have the Silk amino acids too to add to random stuff, but i dont want to order a little and then order random things just to fulfill the minimum or order a lot and risk not loving it. :perplexed

:spinning: What would you do?

ps: i dont want to buy any silk powders, because liquid form will be easier to mix into stuff.

You want me to mail you a few droppppppppps i am feeling generous....PM me and i will figure how to mail an ounce of biosilk for ur relaxer
You want me to mail you a few droppppppppps i am feeling generous....PM me and i will figure how to mail an ounce of biosilk for ur relaxer

Is that the silk therapy? I've tried it in the past though and i didn't like it, though now i think that it might be because i used too much of it. I may have some left somewhere actually, haha. You don't need to do that, but that's really nice of you to offer! :hug2:

btw, i'm totally jealous of your hair :drool:.
ok so what do you do with the silk and the relaxer? I am just curious and what are the benefits?

Dont mean to highjack your thread.
I also love the SAA to protect the previously texlaxed hair. Dont love the smell. Never considered using the lacio. Hmmm. I do add in Salerm 21 after first rinse and before the neutralizing step. Its nice combo.
I am thinking of trying this. But I also read that I should give myself a protein treatment before my relaxer. And the relaxer I use (Phyto) comes with a reconstructor. I am so afraid that that would be too much protein.
For those of you that use SAA in your relaxers do you do protein pretreatments or a post relax reconstuctor?
For those that experienced the fishy this the stuff from lotion crafters? On the site they list their product as deorderized. Is this not the case?