Cannot DC with moisture ever...anyone else with this predicament?

Friggin' Licia

New Member
For months I went crazy trying to figure out why my hair looks brittle and kept breaking left and right after all the extra care I gave it. I moisturized and seals twice daily, washed weekly, pree pooed, deep conditioned, no heat and no manipulation (only combing through wet hair...carefully!). Clumps of hair would slide right out and I was becoming extremely discouraged.... So I made a thread about it and after reading all the suggestions I realized that maybe I wasn't putting enough protein in my hair.

I actually only used protein TWICE with bad results (which I realize is because I never followed up with a moisturizing condish afterward)

So for the last month I've begun washing my hair twice a week (Sundays and thursdays) and dcing with Aphogee 2 min reconstructor for 10 mins and my hair is THRIVING :drunk: I can't believe that's all I needed!

Has this happened to anyone else? Every time I read someone's regimen they're talking about how they only use a protein treatment once a month and dc with a moisture treatment :perplexed I can't imagine doing that ever again. My hair ALWAYS feels like it's on the soft side right after I wash my shampoo out.
Based on your post, I wouldn't say that you can't DC with moisture "ever." It sounds like your threw off your moisture/protein balance with too much moisture. So until you get your hair back to the proper balance, your hair will respond positively to the protein. However, you should keep a check on the balance, otherwise you'll throw off the balance in the opposite direction (protein overload). And that's harder to come back from.
Everyone can't use moisture treatments all of the time. Just keep doing what is working. Some people are more easily thrown to certain extremes than others.
Sounds like you were over moisturizing and sensitive to that specific protein. I can't use aphogee treatments (hair hates it)!

Glad to hear that you figured out a solution.
Honestly, that's about all I can use. Introduction of a "real" protein product to my hair is asking for disaster. The closest I get to proteins is Henna and 100% AVJ, and I've only Henna'd once. The AVJ only comes out when I hit 3 months post.

Hair is a funny thing, your hair seems to not need much moisture, while mine seems to only thrive because of moisture.
^^^^^^Hair is a funny thing. I'm relaxed, and I hardly have any protein in my regimen. My hair seems to react badly to it. Maybe I need to try a different product line. This protein moisture balance is elusive to me.
^^^^^^Hair is a funny thing. I'm relaxed, and I hardly have any protein in my regimen. My hair seems to react badly to it. Maybe I need to try a different product line. This protein moisture balance is elusive to me.

You and me too. I spoke with my stylist about it, asking her why she never gives me a protein treatment or anything, and why when I did try to add protein my hair had such a an adverse reaction. She broke down simply to, my hair just doesn't need it, that's why she doesn't use it on me or my sister (btw we have two totally different hair types), while she has some clients whose hair won't thrive with out her using protein on their hair. I chalk it up to my VERY high protein diet, what can I say I'm huge carnivore, LOL, and my sister is too.
I'm the complete opposite. I can't take a lot of protein.
At first, I thought I needed protein, but ended up with horrible protein overload. I had to DC with moisture for months after that to get back on the right track.

Glad you found something that works for you, OP.
you bring out a great point, that can't be restated enough on this site. you have access to all these wonderful, amazing, diverse regimes, but you have to find what works best for your hair.

so you can apply a little bit of suzy's, a little bit of sally's, & a whole lotta keisha's ... and there you have it :lachen:, or maybe you experiment with enough products on your own to know what it likes.

my hair is the exact opposite, in that it loves moisture. i rarely buy products specifically for protein, but always for moisture (& slip). but i tend to have a pretty high-protein diet, so i'm sure that plays into it as well.

i've also found that my hair loves sea vegetables (algae, kelp, moss) and hemp -- who knew:spinning: -- but my hair really responds well to products with these ingredients ... but like the op, sometime it takes a little trial & error to figure out what works best for you.